A DNA Reference Library Manager

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Documentation for package ‘refdb’ version 0.1.1

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.filter_seq_length Scores for filtering operations
check_fields Internal check for fields
fields_dbs Functions to set fields for various databases
filter_scores Scores for filtering operations
get_ncbi_taxonomy Get NCBI taxonomy
igraph_from_taxo Create a graph from a taxonomic table
make_ncbi_table Parse NCBI XML and make a table
ncbi_taxo_rank Taxonomic ranks of the NCBI Taxonomy database
process_geo_ncbi Process coordinate column returned by NCBI
refdb_check_seq_conflict Check for conflicts in sequences
refdb_check_seq_homogeneity Check for genetic homogeneity of taxa
refdb_check_tax_conflict Check for conflicts in taxonomy
refdb_check_tax_typo Check for typos in taxonomic names
refdb_clean_seq_crop_primers Crop genetic sequences with a set of primers
refdb_clean_seq_remove_gaps Remove gaps from genetic sequences
refdb_clean_seq_remove_sideN Remove repeated side N from genetic sequences
refdb_clean_tax_harmonize_nomenclature Harmonize taxonomic name nomenclature
refdb_clean_tax_NA Convert missing taxonomic names to NA
refdb_clean_tax_remove_blank Remove blank characters from taxonomic names
refdb_clean_tax_remove_extra Remove extra words from taxonomic names
refdb_clean_tax_remove_subsp Remove subspecific information from taxonomic names
refdb_clean_tax_remove_uncertainty Remove terms indicating uncertainty in taxonomic names
refdb_export_dada2 Export reference database for DADA2
refdb_export_idtaxa Export reference database for DECIPHER (IDTAXA)
refdb_export_mothur Export reference database for Mothur
refdb_fill_tax_downstream Fill missing data in taxonomy
refdb_fill_tax_upstream Fill missing data in taxonomy
refdb_filter_ref_scope Filter records by taxonomic scope of studies
refdb_filter_seq_ambiguous Filter sequences based on their number of ambiguous character.
refdb_filter_seq_duplicates Filter duplicated sequences.
refdb_filter_seq_homopolymers Filter sequences based on their number of repeated character.
refdb_filter_seq_length Filter sequences based on their number of character.
refdb_filter_seq_primer Filter sequences based on the presence of primers.
refdb_filter_seq_stopcodon Filter sequences based on their number of of stop codons.
refdb_filter_tax_na Filter records NA taxa
refdb_filter_tax_precision Filter records based on their taxonomic precision.
refdb_get_fields Get fields of a reference database
refdb_import_BOLD Download and import BOLD records
refdb_import_NCBI Download and import NCBI Nucleotide records
refdb_merge Merge reference databases
refdb_plot_map Plot an interactive map
refdb_plot_seqlen_hist Plot an histogram of sequence lengths
refdb_plot_tax_barplot Barplots of the number of records for the most represented taxa
refdb_plot_tax_tree Reference database taxonomy tree
refdb_plot_tax_treemap Reference database treemap
refdb_report Compile a report with different checks
refdb_sample_tax Sample records within taxa
refdb_set_fields Associate columns to fields
refdb_set_fields_BOLD Functions to set fields for various databases
refdb_set_fields_diatbarcode Functions to set fields for various databases
refdb_set_fields_NCBI Functions to set fields for various databases
refdb_set_fields_PR2 Functions to set fields for various databases
refdb_set_ncbitax Replace the current taxonomy using the NCBI Taxonomy database
refdb_write_fields Write fields to a file
valid_taxo_rank Ranks considered as valid by refdb
xml_extract Extract XML elements