recluster.dist {recluster}R Documentation

Compute a dissimilarity matrix using a battery of beta-diversity indices


This function computes dissimilarity matrices based on the two most popular partitions of faunistic and phylogenitic beta-diversity. In particular Jaccard = beta3 + richness (Carvalho et al. 2012), Jaccard = Jturnover + Jnestedness (Baselga, 2012) and Sorensen = Simpson + nestedness (Baselga 2010) for faunistic indexes and Unifrac = Unifrac_turn + Unifrac_PD and PhyloSor = PhyloSor_turn + Phylosor_PD (Leprieur et al. 2012). Any other binary index can be included in brackets by using the syntax of designdist function of the vegan package.


recluster.dist(mat, phylo=NULL, dist="simpson")



A matrix containing sites (rows) and species (columns).


An ultrametric and rooted phylogenetic tree for species having the same labels as in mat columns. Only required for phylogenitic beta-diversity indexes.


One among the 14 beta-diversity indexes "simpson" "sorensen" "nestedness" "beta3" "richness" "jaccard" "jturnover" "jnestedness" "phylosor" "phylosort" "phylosorpd" "unifrac" "unifract" "unifracpd". Any custom binary dissimilarity can also be specified according to the syntax of designdist function of the vegan package.


Syntax for binary indices in vegdist: J, number of common species; A and B, number of species exclusive of the first and of the second site.


An object of class dist (see vegan:designdist for further details)


Leonardo Dapporto and Matteo Ramazzotti


Baselga A. "Partitioning the turnover and nestedness components of beta diversity." Global Ecol Biogeogr (2010), 19: 134-143.

Carvalho J. C., Cardoso P., Gomes P. "Determining the relative roles of species replacement and species richness differences in generating beta-diversity patterns." Global Ecol Biogeogr (2012), 21: 760-771.

Leprieur F., Albouy C., De Bortoli J., Cowman P.F., Bellwood D.R., Mouillot D. "Quantifying Phylogenetic Beta Diversity: Distinguishing between 'True' Turnover of Lineages and Phylogenetic Diversity Gradients." Plos One (2012), 7

[Package recluster version 2.9 Index]