generate_parameters {rcontroll} | R Documentation |
Generate global parameters
generate the global parameters used in the TROLL
simulation. All parameters have a default value used in French Guiana
cols = 200,
rows = 200,
HEIGHT = 70,
length_dcell = 25,
iterperyear = 12,
NV = 1,
NH = 1,
nbout = 4,
nbspp = 45,
SWtoPPFD = 2.27,
p_nonvert = 0.05,
klight = 0.63,
phi = 0.093,
absorptance_leaves = 0.9,
theta = 0.7,
g1 = 3.77,
vC = 0.021,
DBH0 = 0.005,
H0 = 0.95,
CR_min = 0.3,
CR_a = 2.13,
CR_b = 0.63,
CD_a = 0,
CD_b = 0.2,
CD0 = 0.3,
shape_crown = 0.72,
dens = 1,
fallocwood = 0.35,
falloccanopy = 0.25,
Cseedrain = 50000,
nbs0 = 10,
sigma_height = 0,
sigma_CR = 0,
sigma_CD = 0,
sigma_P = 0,
sigma_N = 0,
sigma_LMA = 0,
sigma_wsg = 0,
sigma_dbhmax = 0,
corr_CR_height = 0,
corr_N_P = 0,
corr_N_LMA = 0,
corr_P_LMA = 0,
leafdem_resolution = 30,
p_tfsecondary = 1,
hurt_decay = 0,
crown_gap_fraction = 0.15,
m = 0.013,
m1 = 0.013,
Cair = 400,
LL_parameterization = 1,
LA_regulation = 2,
sapwood = 1,
seedsadditional = 0,
GPPcrown = 0,
OUTPUT_extended = 1,
extent_visual = 0
cols |
num. Number of columns. |
rows |
num. Number of rows. |
num. Vertical extent of simulation. |
length_dcell |
num. Linear size of a dcell. |
nbiter |
num. Total number of timesteps. |
iterperyear |
num. Number of iterations per year. |
NV |
num. Vertical number of cells (per m). |
NH |
num. Horizontal number of cells (per m). |
nbout |
num. Number of outputs. |
nbspp |
num. Number of species |
num. Convert shortwave irradiance to PAR photons. |
p_nonvert |
num. Light incidence parameter (difference through turbid medium). |
klight |
num. Light attenuation in the canopy following a Beer-Lambert law. |
phi |
num. Quantum yield (in micromol C/micromol photon). |
absorptance_leaves |
num. Absorptance of individual leaves. |
theta |
num. Parameter of the Farquhar model. |
g1 |
num. Parameter g1 of Medlyn et al stomatal conductance model. |
vC |
num. Variance of the flexion moment. |
DBH0 |
num. Initial diameter at breast height (m). |
H0 |
num. Initial height (m). |
CR_min |
num. Minimum crown radius (in m). |
CR_a |
num. Crown radius log intercept or Michaelis Menten initial growth. |
CR_b |
num. Crown radius log slope or Michaelis Menten asymptotic CR. |
CD_a |
num. Crown depth intercept (absolute value). |
CD_b |
num. Crown depth slope (as fraction of tree height). |
CD0 |
num. Initial crown depth (in m). |
shape_crown |
num. Crown shape parameter. |
dens |
num. Initial leaf density (m^2/m^2). |
fallocwood |
num. Fraction of biomass allocated to above ground wood (branch turnover+stem). |
falloccanopy |
num. Fraction of biomass allocated to canopy (leaves + reproductive organs + twigs). |
Cseedrain |
num. Constant used to scale total seed rain per hectare across species. |
nbs0 |
num. Number of seeds produced and dispersed by each mature tree when SEEDTRADEOFF is not defined. |
sigma_height |
num. Intraspecific variation in tree height (lognormal). |
sigma_CR |
num. Intraspecific variation in crown radius (lognormal). |
sigma_CD |
num. Intraspecific variation in crown depth (lognormal). |
sigma_P |
num. Intraspecific variation in leaf phosphorus (lognormal). |
sigma_N |
num. Intraspecific variation in leaf nitrogen (lognormal). |
sigma_LMA |
num. Intraspecific variation in leaf mass per area (lognormal). |
sigma_wsg |
num. Intraspecific variation in wood specific gravity. |
sigma_dbhmax |
num. Intraspecific variation in maximum diameter. |
corr_CR_height |
num. Correlation coefficient between crown radius and tree height. |
corr_N_P |
num. Correlation coefficient between leaf nitrogen and leaf phosphorus. |
corr_N_LMA |
num. Correlation coefficient between leaf nitrogen and leaf mass per area |
corr_P_LMA |
num. Correlation coefficient between leaf phosphorus and leaf mass per area |
leafdem_resolution |
num. Resolution of leaf demography model. |
p_tfsecondary |
num. Probability of secondary treefall. |
hurt_decay |
num. Parameter determining how tree damages are repaired. |
crown_gap_fraction |
num. Fraction of gaps in the crown. |
m |
num. Minimal death rate. |
m1 |
num. Slope of death rate m1. |
Cair |
num. Atmospheric CO2 concentration in micromol/mol. |
LL_parameterization |
num. Leaf lifespan parameterizations: Reich empirical, Kikuzawa model, and Kikuzawa model with leaf plasticity (0,1,2). |
LA_regulation |
num. Dynamic LA regulation: off, 1.0, 0.75, or 0.5 (0,1,2,3). |
sapwood |
num. Sapwood parameterizations: constant thickness (0.04), Fyllas percentage, Fyllas lower limit (0,1,2). |
seedsadditional |
num. Excess biomass into seeds after maturation (0,1). |
num. If _NONRANDOM >= 1, the seeds for the random number generators will be set using fixed seed in R, default for bug fixing (0,1). |
GPPcrown |
num. This defines an option to compute only GPP from the topmost value of PPFD and GPP, instead of looping within the crown (0,1). |
num. If defined: treefall is a source of tree death (0,1). |
num. if defined: the number of seeds produced is determined by NPP allocated to reproduction and seed mass, otherwise the number of seeds is fixed (0,1). |
num. Michaelis Menten allometry for crowns instead of power law, parameters have to be changed in other input sheets accordingly (0,1). |
OUTPUT_extended |
num. extended set of ouput files (0,1). |
extent_visual |
num. extent for visualization output. Unactivated when equal 0. |
A data frame of global parameters.
See Also
, stack()
, update_parameters()
generate_parameters(nbiter = 12)