Individual-Based Forest Growth Simulator 'TROLL'

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Documentation for package ‘rcontroll’ version 0.1.1

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rcontroll-package 'rcontroll': individual-based forest growth simulator TROLL
autogif Create an animation from a TROLL simulation
autoplot-method Plot TROLL simulation or stack
generate_climate Generate climate dataset
generate_lidar Generate lidar parameters
generate_parameters Generate global parameters
get_chm Extract canopy height model
get_chm-method Extract canopy height model
get_forest Extract forest inventory
get_forest-method Extract forest inventory
get_log Extract simulation log
get_log-method Extract simulation log
load_output Load outputs from simulation
load_sim Load outputs from simulation or stack of simulations
load_sim-method Load outputs from simulation or stack of simulations
load_stack Load outputs from a stack of simulations
option.rcontroll Options
print-method Print a summary
print.trollsim Print a summary
rcontroll 'rcontroll': individual-based forest growth simulator TROLL
show-method Print a summary
stack Run a stack of 'TROLL' simulations
summary-method Print a summary
troll Run a 'TROLL' simulation
TROLL.version 'TROLL' version
trollCpp TROLL simulator
trollsim A 'TROLL' simulations
trollsim-class A 'TROLL' simulations
trollstack A stack of 'TROLL' simulations
trollstack-class A stack of 'TROLL' simulations
TROLLv3_climatedaytime12 'TROLL' climate parameters over months
TROLLv3_daytimevar 'TROLL' daytime variation parameters
TROLLv3_input 'TROLL' global parameters
TROLLv3_output 'TROLL' output
TROLLv3_pointcloud 'TROLL' lidar parameters
TROLLv3_species 'TROLL' species parameters
update_parameters Update global parameters
update_parameters-method Update global parameters