plotsp {rchemo} | R Documentation |
Plotting spectra
plots lines corresponding to the row observations (e.g. spectra) of a data set.
plots only one observation per plot (e.g. spectrum by spectrum) by scrolling the rows. After running a plotsp1
command, the plots are printed successively by pushing the R console "entry button", and stopped by entering any character in the R console.
type = "l", col = NULL, zeroes = FALSE, labels = FALSE,
add = FALSE,
plotsp1(X, col = NULL, zeroes = FALSE, ...)
X |
Data ( |
type |
1-character string giving the type of plot desired. Default value to |
col |
A color, or a vector of colors (of length n), defining the color(s) of the lines representing the rows. |
zeroes |
Logical indicationg if an horizontal line is drawn at coordonates (0, 0) (Default to |
labels |
Logical indicating if the row names of |
add |
Logical defining if the frame of the plot is plotted ( |
... |
A plot (see examples).
For the first example, see ?hcl.colors and ?hcl.pals, and try with col <- hcl.colors(n = n, alpha = 1, rev = FALSE, palette = "Green-Orange") col <- terrain.colors(n, rev = FALSE) col <- rainbow(n, rev = FALSE, alpha = .2)
The second example is with plotsp1 (Scrolling plot of PCA loadings). After running the code, type Enter in the R console for starting the scrolling, and type any character in the R console
X <- cassav$Xtest
n <- nrow(X)
plotsp(X, col = "grey")
plotsp(X, col = "lightblue",
xlim = c(500, 1500),
xlab = "Wawelength (nm)", ylab = "Absorbance")
col <- hcl.colors(n = n, alpha = 1, rev = FALSE, palette = "Grays")
plotsp(X, col = col)
plotsp(X, col = "grey")
plotsp(X[23, , drop = FALSE], lwd = 2, add = TRUE)
plotsp(X[c(23, 16), ], lwd = 2, add = TRUE)
plotsp(X[5, , drop = FALSE], labels = TRUE)
plotsp(X[c(5, 61), ], labels = TRUE)
col <- hcl.colors(n = n, alpha = 1, rev = FALSE, palette = "Grays")
plotsp(X, col = col)
plotsp(X[5, , drop = FALSE], col = "red", lwd = 2, add = TRUE, labels = TRUE)
## EXAMPLE 2 (Scrolling plot of PCA loadings)
X <- cassav$Xtest
fm <- pcaeigenk(X, nlv = 20)
P <- fm$P
plotsp1(t(P), ylab = "Value")