krrda {rchemo}R Documentation

KRR-DA models


Discrimination (DA) based on kernel ridge regression (KRR).


krrda(X, y, weights = NULL, lb = 1e-5, kern = "krbf", ...)

## S3 method for class 'Krrda'
predict(object, X, ..., lb = NULL) 



For main function: Training X-data (n,pn, p). — For auxiliary function: New X-data (m,pm, p) to consider.


Training class membership (nn). Note: If y is a factor, it is replaced by a character vector.


Weights (nn) to apply to the training observations for the PLS2. Internally, weights are "normalized" to sum to 1. Default to NULL (weights are set to 1/n1 / n).


A value of regularization parameter lambdalambda. If lb = 0, a pseudo-inverse is used in the RR.


Name of the function defining the considered kernel for building the Gram matrix. See krbf for syntax, and other available kernel functions.


Optional arguments to pass in the kernel function defined in kern (e.g. gamma for krbf).


— For auxiliary function: A fitted model, output of a call to the main functions.


The training variable yy (univariate class membership) is transformed to a dummy table containing nclasnclas columns, where nclasnclas is the number of classes present in yy. Each column is a dummy variable (0/1). Then, a kernel ridge regression (KRR) is run on the XX-data and the dummy table, returning predictions of the dummy variables. For a given observation, the final prediction is the class corresponding to the dummy variable for which the prediction is the highest.


For krrda:


List with the outputs of the RR ((X): Training X-data (n,pn, p); (K): Gram matrix; (Kt): Gram matrix; (U): intermediate output; (UtDY): intermediate output; (sv): singular values of the matrix (1,n); (lb): value of regularization parameter lambdalambda; (ymeans): the centering vector of Y (q,1); (weights): the weights vector of X-variables (p,1); (kern): kern function; (dots): Optional arguments.


y levels


number of observations by level of y

For predict.Krrda:


matrix or list of matrices (if lb is a vector), with predicted class for each observation


matrix or list of matrices (if lb is a vector), calculated probability of belonging to a class for each observation


n <- 50 ; p <- 8
Xtrain <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), ncol = p)
ytrain <- sample(c(1, 4, 10), size = n, replace = TRUE)

m <- 5
Xtest <- Xtrain[1:m, ] ; ytest <- ytrain[1:m]

lb <- 1
fm <- krrda(Xtrain, ytrain, lb = lb)
predict(fm, Xtest)

pred <- predict(fm, Xtest)$pred
err(pred, ytest)

predict(fm, Xtest, lb = 0:2)
predict(fm, Xtest, lb = 0)

[Package rchemo version 0.1-2 Index]