aicplsr {rchemo}R Documentation

AIC and Cp for Univariate PLSR Models


Computation of the AIC and Mallows's Cp criteria for univariate PLSR models (Lesnoff et al. 2021). This function may receive modifications in the future (work in progress).


    X, y, nlv, algo = NULL,
    meth = c("cg", "div", "cov"),
    correct = TRUE, B = 50, 
    print = FALSE, ...)



A n x p matrix or data frame of training observations.


A vector of length n of training responses.


The maximal number of latent variables (LVs) to consider in the model.


a PLS algorithm. Default to NULL (plskern is used).


Method used for estimating df. Possible values are "cg" (dfplsr_cg), "cov" (dfplsr_cov)or "div" (dfplsr_div).


Logical. If TRUE (default), the AICc corection is applied to the criteria.


For meth = "div": the number of observations in the data receiving perturbation (maximum is n; see dfplsr_cov). For meth = "cov": the number of bootstrap replications (see dfplsr_cov).


Logical. If TRUE, fitting information are printed.


Optionnal arguments to pass in algo.


For a model with a latent variables (LVs), function aicplsr calculates AIC and Cp by:

AIC(a) = n * log(SSR(a)) + 2 * (df(a) + 1)

Cp(a) = SSR(a) / n + 2 * df(a) * s2 / n

where SSR is the sum of squared residuals for the current evaluated model, df(a) the estimated PLSR model complexity (i.e. nb. model's degrees of freedom), s2 an estimate of the irreductible error variance (computed from a low biased model) and n the number of training observations.

By default (argument correct), the small sample size correction (so-called AICc) is applied to AIC and Cp for deucing the bias.

The functions returns two estimates of Cp (cp1 and cp2), each corresponding to a different estimate of s2.

The model complexity df can be computed from three methods (argument meth).



dataframe with n, and the etimated criteria (df, ct, ssr, aic, cp1, cp2) for 0 to nlv latent variables in the model.


dataframe with the differences between the estimated values of aic, cp1 and cp2, and those of the model with the lowest estimated values of aic, cp1 and cp2, for models with 0 to nlv latent variables


vector with the optimal number of latent variables in the model (i.e. minimizing aic, cp1 and cp2 values)


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Lesnoff, M., Roger, J.M., Rutledge, D.N., Submitted. Monte Carlo methods for estimating Mallows's Cp and AIC criteria for PLSR models. Illustration on agronomic spectroscopic NIR data. Journal of Chemometrics.

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Xtrain <- cassav$Xtrain
ytrain <- cassav$ytrain

nlv <- 25
res <- aicplsr(Xtrain, ytrain, nlv = nlv)

z <- res$crit
oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
par(mfrow = c(1, 4))
plot(z$aic[-1], type = "b", main = "AIC")
plot(z$cp1[-1], type = "b", main = "Cp1")
plot(z$cp2[-1], type = "b", main = "Cp2")

[Package rchemo version 0.1-2 Index]