Inference and Prediction of ToxicoKinetic (TK) Models

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Documentation for package ‘rbioacc’ version 1.2.1

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rbioacc-package The 'rbioacc' package.
.fonte A simple implementation of to pivot_longer of tidyr
.index_col_exposure Return column matching "expw", "exps", "expf", "exppw" of a 'data.frame'
.index_col_metabolite Return column matching "concX" of a 'data.frame' where X is metabolite
.is_equal_rmInf Check if two vectors 'x' and 'y' are equal after remove 'Inf'
bioacc_metric Biaccumulation metrics
bioacc_metric.fitTK Biaccumulation metrics
Chironomus_benzoapyrene Data on Chironomus exposed to benzoapyrene
Chiro_Creuzot Data on Chironomus with several exposure routes.
corrMatrix Correlations between parameters: colored matrix
corrPlot Correlations between parameters: pairs plot
df_ppc PPC data.frame
df_ppc.fitTK PPC data.frame
df_PriorPost Data frame of Posterior over Prior
df_PriorPost.fitTK Data frame of Posterior over Prior
equations Equations of the mathematical model used for the fit
exposure_names Retrieve exposure routes names from object
Exposure_Sialis_lutaria Data on Sialis lutaria exposure time series
fitTK Posterior predictive check
fitTK.stanTKdataCST Posterior predictive check
fitTK.stanTKdataVAR Posterior predictive check
Gammarus_azoxistrobine_1d_Rosch2017 Data on Gammarus exposed to azoxistrobine
Internal_Sialis_lutaria Data on Sialis lutaria internal time series
Male_Gammarus_Merged Male 'Gammarus fossarum' exposed to Hg spiked water. Three exposure concentrations were tested in triplicates. The duration of the accumulation phase is 4 days for 0.0000708021 and 0.000283208 mu g.m L^{-1} exposure concentrations, and 7 days for 0.000141604 mu g.m L^{-1} exposure concentration.
Male_Gammarus_seanine_growth Male 'Gammarus pulex' exposed to seanine spiked water. A single exposure concentration was tested. The duration of the accumulation phase is 1.417 days. Three metabolites were quantified. The growth of organism was included.
Male_Gammarus_Single Bio-accumulation data set for _Gammarus fossarum_ exposed to Hg spiked water.
mcmcTraces Traces of MCMC iterations
modelData Create a list giving data and parameters to use in the model inference. Create a list giving data and parameters to use in the model inference.
modelData_ode Create a list giving data and parameters to use in the model inference.
Oncorhynchus_two Data on Oncorhynchus exposition
plot.bioaccMetric Plot function for object of class 'bioaccMetric'
plot.fitTK Plotting method for 'fitTK' objects
plot.predictTK Plotting method for 'predictTK' objects
plot.predictTKstan Plotting method for 'predictTK' objects
plot_exposure Plot exposure profile
plot_PriorPost Plot Posterior over Prior
plot_PriorPost.df_PP Plot Posterior over Prior
plot_PriorPost.fitTK Plot Posterior over Prior
ppc PPC data.frame
ppc.fitTK PPC data.frame
predict.fitTK Prediction function using 'fitTK' object
predict_manual Prediction function using 'fitTK' object
predict_stan Prediction function using 'fitTK' object
psrf Potential Scale Reduction Factors (PSRF) of the parameters
quantile_table Quantiles of parameters
rbioacc The 'rbioacc' package.
replace_ Replace element of a vector
t95 Return the time at 95% depuration of the parent component
waic Widely Applicable Information Criterion (WAIC)