$.ena.matrix | Extract from ena.matrix easily using metadata |
$.ena.metadata | Extract metadata easily |
$.ena.points | Extract points easily |
$.line.weights | Extract line.weignts easily |
add_group | Add a group mean to an ena.plot |
add_network | Add a network to an ENA plot |
add_nodes | Title |
add_points | Plot points on an ena.plot |
add_trajectory | Plot a trajectory on an ena.plot |
as.ena.co.occurrence | Re-class vector as ena.co.occurrence |
as.ena.matrix | Re-class matrix as ena.matrix |
as.ena.metadata | Re-class matrix as ena.metadata |
as.matrix.ena.connections | ENA Connections as a matrix |
as.matrix.ena.line.weights | ENA line weights as matrix |
as.matrix.ena.matrix | Matrix without metadata |
as.matrix.ena.nodes | ENA nodes as matrix |
as.matrix.ena.points | ENA points as matrix |
as.matrix.ena.rotation.matrix | ENA rotations as matrix |
as.matrix.row.connections | ENA row connections as matrix |
as_trajectory | Title |
clear | Title |
combn_c2 | Fast combn choose 2 |
connection.matrix | Connection counts as square matrix |
ena | Wrapper to generate, and optionally plot, an ENA model |
ena.accumulate.data | Accumulate data from a data frame into a set of adjacency (co-occurrence) vectors |
ena.conversations | Find conversations by unit |
ena.correlations | Calculate the correlations |
ena.group | Compute summary statistic for groupings of units using given method (typically, mean) |
ena.make.set | Generate ENA Set |
ena.plot | Generate a plot of an ENAset |
ena.plot.group | Plot of ENA set groups |
ena.plot.network | Plot an ENA network |
ena.plot.points | Plot points on an ENAplot |
ena.plot.trajectory | Plot of ENA trajectories |
ena.plotter | Wrapper to generate plots of units, groups, and networks |
ena.rotate.by.hena.regression | ENA Rotate by regression |
ena.rotate.by.mean | ENA Rotate by mean |
ena.rotation.h | hENA rotation for ENA |
ena.set.creator | Wrapper to generate an ENA model |
ena.svd | ENA SVD |
ena.writeup | Calculate the correlations |
ENAdata | ENAdata R6class |
ENAplot | ENAset R6class |
ENARotationSet | ENARotationSet R6class |
ENAset | ENAset R6class |
ena_correlation | Calculate the correlations |
find_code_cols | Find code columns |
find_dimension_cols | Find dimension columns |
find_meta_cols | Find metadata columns |
fun_cohens.d | Cohen's d |
fun_skip_sphere_norm | Non sphere norm |
fun_sphere_norm | Sphere norm |
means_rotate | Title |
merge_columns_c | Merge data frame columns |
methods_report | methods_report |
methods_report_stream | methods_report_stream |
move_nodes_to_unit_circle | Title |
move_nodes_to_unit_circle_with_equal_space | Title |
namesToAdjacencyKey | Names to Adjacency Key |
plot.ena.set | Plot an ena.set object |
prepare_trajectory_data | Title |
print.ena.set | Title |
project_in | Title |
remove_meta_data | Remove meta columns from data.table |
rENA | rENA creates ENA sets |
RS.data | Coded Rescushell Chat Data |
scale.ena.set | Title |
show | Title |
vector_to_ut | vector to upper triangle |
with_means | Title |
with_trajectory | Title |