rowNA {quest}R Documentation

Frequency of Missing Values by Row


rowNA compute the frequency of missing values in a matrix by row. This function essentially does apply(X = x, MARGIN = 1, FUN = vecNA). It is also used by other functions in the quest package related to missing values (e.g., rowMeans_if).


rowNA(x, prop = FALSE, ov = FALSE)



matrix with any typeof. If not a matrix, it will be coerced to a matrix via as.matrix. The argument rownames.force is set to TRUE to allow for rownames to carry over for non-matrix objects (e.g., data.frames).


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether the frequency of missing values should be returned as a proportion (TRUE) or a count (FALSE).


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether the frequency of observed values (TRUE) should be returned rather than the frequency of missing values (FALSE).


numeric vector of length = nrow(x), and names = rownames(x), providing the frequency of missing values (or observed values if ov = TRUE) per row. If prop = TRUE, the values will range from 0 to 1. If prop = FALSE, the values will range from 1 to ncol(x).

See Also vecNA colNA rowsNA


rowNA(as.matrix(airquality)) # count of missing values
rowNA( # with rownames
rowNA(as.matrix(airquality), prop = TRUE) # proportion of missing values
rowNA(as.matrix(airquality), ov = TRUE) # count of observed values
rowNA(, prop = TRUE, ov = TRUE) # proportion of observed values

[Package quest version 0.2.0 Index]