A B C D F G I L M N P Q R S T U V W misc
quest-package | Pre-processing Questionnaire Data |
add_sig | Add Significance Symbols to a (Atomic) Vector, Matrix, or Array |
add_sig_cor | Add Significance Symbols to a Correlation Matrix |
agg | Aggregate an Atomic Vector by Group |
aggs | Aggregate Data by Group |
agg_dfm | Data Information by Group |
amd_bi | Amount of Missing Data - Bivariate (Pairwise Deletion) |
amd_multi | Amount of Missing Data - Multivariate (Listwise Deletion) |
amd_uni | Amount of Missing Data - Univariate |
auto_by | Autoregressive Coefficient by Group |
ave_dfm | Repeated Group Statistics for a Data-Frame |
boot_ci | Bootstrapped Confidence Intervals from a Matrix of Coefficients |
by2 | Apply a Function to Data by Group |
center | Centering and/or Standardizing a Numeric Vector |
centers | Centering and/or Standardizing Numeric Data |
centers_by | Centering and/or Standardizing Numeric Data by Group |
center_by | Centering and/or Standardizing a Numeric Vector by Group |
change | Change Score from a Numeric Vector |
changes | Change Scores from Numeric Data |
changes_by | Change Scores from Numeric Data by Group |
change_by | Change Scores from a Numeric Vector by Group |
colMeans_if | Column Means Conditional on Frequency of Observed Values |
colNA | Frequency of Missing Values by Column |
colSums_if | Column Sums Conditional on Frequency of Observed Values |
composite | Composite Reliability of a Score |
composites | Composite Reliability of Multiple Scores |
confint2 | Confidence Intervals from Statistical Information |
confint2.boot | Bootstrapped Confidence Intervals from a 'boot' Object |
confint2.default | Confidence Intervals from Parameter Estimates and Standard Errors |
corp | Bivariate Correlations with Significant Symbols |
corp_by | Bivariate Correlations with Significant Symbols by Group |
corp_miss | Point-biserial Correlations of Missingness With Significant Symbols |
corp_ml | 'corp_ml' decomposes correlations from multilevel data into within-group and between-group correlations as well as adds significance symbols to the end of each value. The workhorse of the function is 'statsBy'. 'corp_ml' is simply a combination of 'cor_ml' and 'add_sig_cor'. |
cor_by | Correlation Matrix by Group |
cor_miss | Point-biserial Correlations of Missingness |
cor_ml | Multilevel Correlation Matrices |
covs_test | Covariances Test of Significance |
cronbach | Cronbach's Alpha of a Set of Variables/Items |
cronbachs | Cronbach's Alpha for Multiple Sets of Variables/Items |
decompose | Decompose a Numeric Vector by Group |
decomposes | Decompose Numeric Data by Group |
deff | Design Effect from Multilevel Numeric Vector |
deffs | Design Effects from Multilevel Numeric Data |
describe_ml | Multilevel Descriptive Statistics |
dum2nom | Dummy Variables to a Nominal Variable |
freq | Univariate Frequency Table |
freqs | Multiple Univariate Frequency Tables |
freqs_by | Multiple Univariate Frequency Tables |
freq_by | Univariate Frequency Table By Group |
gtheory | Generalizability Theory Reliability of a Score |
gtheorys | Generalizability Theory Reliability of Multiple Scores |
gtheorys_ml | Generalizability Theory Reliability of Multiple Multilevel Scores |
gtheory_ml | Generalizability Theory Reliability of a Multilevel Score |
iccs_11 | Intraclass Correlation for Multiple Variables for Multilevel Analysis: ICC(1,1) |
icc_11 | Intraclass Correlation for Multilevel Analysis: ICC(1,1) |
icc_all_by | All Six Intraclass Correlations by Group |
lengths_by | Length of Data Columns by Group |
length_by | Length of a (Atomic) Vector by Group |
long2wide | Reshape Multiple Scores From Long to Wide |
make.dummy | Make Dummy Columns |
make.dumNA | Make Dummy Columns For Missing Data. |
make.fun_if | Make a Function Conditional on Frequency of Observed Values |
make.latent | Make Model Syntax for a Latent Factor in Lavaan |
make.product | Make Product Terms (e.g., interactions) |
means_change | Mean Changes Across Two Timepoints For Multiple PrePost Pairs of Variables (dependent two-samples t-tests) |
means_compare | Mean differences for multiple variables across 3+ independent groups (one-way ANOVAs) |
means_diff | Mean differences across two independent groups (independent two-samples t-tests) |
means_test | Test for Multiple Sample Means Against Mu (one-sample t-tests) |
mean_change | Mean Change Across Two Timepoints (dependent two-samples t-test) |
mean_compare | Mean differences for a single variable across 3+ independent groups (one-way ANOVA) |
mean_diff | Mean difference across two independent groups (independent two-samples t-test) |
mean_if | Mean Conditional on Minimum Frequency of Observed Values |
mean_test | Test for Sample Mean Against Mu (one-sample t-test) |
mode2 | Statistical Mode of a Numeric Vector |
ncases | Number of Cases in Data |
ncases_by | Number of Cases in Data by Group |
ncases_desc | Describe Number of Cases in Data by Group |
ncases_ml | Multilevel Number of Cases |
ngrp | Number of Groups in Data |
nhst | Null Hypothesis Significance Testing |
nom2dum | Nominal Variable to Dummy Variables |
nrow_by | Number of Rows in Data by Group |
nrow_ml | Multilevel Number of Rows |
n_compare | Test for Equal Frequency of Values (chi-square test of goodness of fit) |
partial.cases | Find Partial Cases |
pomp | Recode a Numeric Vector to Percentage of Maximum Possible (POMP) Units |
pomps | Recode Numeric Data to Percentage of Maximum Possible (POMP) Units |
props_compare | Proportion Comparisons for Multiple Variables across 3+ Independent Groups (Chi-square Tests of Independence) |
props_diff | Proportion Difference of Multiple Variables Across Two Independent Groups (Chi-square Tests of Independence) |
props_test | Test for Multiple Sample Proportion Against Pi (Chi-square Tests of Goodness of Fit) |
prop_compare | Proportion Comparisons for a Single Variable across 3+ Independent Groups (Chi-square Test of Independence) |
prop_diff | Proportion Difference for a Single Variable across Two Independent Groups (Chi-square Test of Independence) |
prop_test | Test for Sample Proportion Against Pi (chi-square test of goodness of fit) |
quest | Pre-processing Questionnaire Data |
recode2other | Recode Unique Values in a Character Vector to 0ther (or NA) |
recodes | Recode Data |
renames | Rename Data Columns from a Codebook |
reorders | Reorder Levels of Factor Data |
revalid | Recode Invalid Values from a Vector |
revalids | Recode Invalid Values from Data |
reverse | Reverse Code a Numeric Vector |
reverses | Reverse Code Numeric Data |
rowMeans_if | Row Means Conditional on Frequency of Observed Values |
rowNA | Frequency of Missing Values by Row |
rowsNA | Frequency of Multiple Sets of Missing Values by Row |
rowSums_if | Row Sums Conditional on Frequency of Observed Values |
score | Observed Unweighted Scoring of a Set of Variables/Items |
scores | Observed Unweighted Scoring of Multiple Sets of Variables/Items |
shift | Shift a Vector (i.e., lag/lead) |
shifts | Shift Data (i.e., lag/lead) |
shifts_by | Shift Data (i.e., lag/lead) by Group |
shift_by | Shift a Vector (i.e., lag/lead) by Group |
summary_ucfa | Summary of a Unidimensional Confirmatory Factor Analysis |
sum_if | Sum Conditional on Minimum Frequency of Observed Values |
tapply2 | Apply a Function to a (Atomic) Vector by Group |
ucfa | Unidimensional Confirmatory Factor Analysis |
valids_test | Test for Invalid Elements in Data |
valid_test | Test for Invalid Elements in a Vector |
vecNA | Frequency of Missing Values in a Vector |
wide2long | Reshape Multiple Sets of Variables From Wide to Long |
winsor | Winsorize a Numeric Vector |
winsors | Winsorize Numeric Data |
.cronbach | Bootstrap Function for 'cronbach()' Function |
.cronbachs | Bootstrap Function for 'cronbachs()' Function |
.gtheory | Bootstrap Function for 'gtheory()' Function |
.gtheorys | Bootstrap Function for 'gtheorys()' Function |