areadens2D |
Area vs. x-axis |
areadensnoisecompare2D |
Shows areadens2D plus background noise as segmented line |
createTLC |
Creates TLC S3 object |
matrices2D |
Creates spots matrices |
matrixtoimage |
Converts matrix back to image |
noisepoly2D |
Polynomial estimation of the image noise. |
normalize2D |
Normalization of the matrix values |
picmatrixTIFF |
Converting TIFF to matrix. |
print.qtlc |
Print Method for 'qtlc' object |
print.summary.qtlc |
Summary method for 'qtlc' S3 object |
Rf |
Retention factor (Rf) |
rotatev |
Rotate vertically |
s3D |
Internal function used by showtlc3D |
select2D |
Selects spots areas |
showRf |
Shows Rf on the plot |
showtlc2D |
Show TLC matrix as 2D plot |
showtlc2D.qtlc |
Show TLC matrix as 2D plot |
showtlc3D |
Shows 3D plot of the TLC matrix. |
spot2D |
Locate spots manually. |
summary.qtlc |
Summary method for 'qtlc' S3 object |
summat2D |
Summarize matrices |