Densitometric Analysis of Thin-Layer Chromatography Plates

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Documentation for package ‘qtlc’ version 1.0

Help Pages

areadens2D Area vs. x-axis
areadensnoisecompare2D Shows areadens2D plus background noise as segmented line
createTLC Creates TLC S3 object
matrices2D Creates spots matrices
matrixtoimage Converts matrix back to image
noisepoly2D Polynomial estimation of the image noise.
normalize2D Normalization of the matrix values
picmatrixTIFF Converting TIFF to matrix.
print.qtlc Print Method for 'qtlc' object
print.summary.qtlc Summary method for 'qtlc' S3 object
Rf Retention factor (Rf)
rotatev Rotate vertically
s3D Internal function used by showtlc3D
select2D Selects spots areas
showRf Shows Rf on the plot
showtlc2D Show TLC matrix as 2D plot
showtlc2D.qtlc Show TLC matrix as 2D plot
showtlc3D Shows 3D plot of the TLC matrix.
spot2D Locate spots manually.
summary.qtlc Summary method for 'qtlc' S3 object
summat2D Summarize matrices