cbind_smother |
Combine matrices by columns, replacing matching ones and adding unique ones |
count_unique_geno |
Count the unique genotypes for each row of a genotype matrix |
cross2_do_to_genail |
Convert cross2 object from do to genail8 |
cross2_do_to_genail8 |
Convert cross2 object from do to genail8 |
cross2_ril_to_genril |
Convert cross2 object from ril to genril |
encode_geno |
Encode a matrix of genotypes using a set of allele codes |
find_consensus_geno |
Find the consensus genotype for each row of a genotype matrix |
find_unique_geno |
Find the unique genotypes for each row of a genotype matrix |
map_df_to_list |
Marker map data frame to list |
map_list_to_df |
Marker map list to data frame |
probs_doqtl_to_qtl2 |
Convert DOQTL genotype probabilities to R/qtl2 format |
probs_qtl2_to_array |
Convert R/qtl2 genotype probabilities to a 3d array |
probs_qtl2_to_doqtl |
Convert R/qtl2 genotype probabilities to DOQTL format |
probs_qtl_to_qtl2 |
Convert R/qtl genotype probabilities to R/qtl2 format |
scan_qtl2_to_qtl |
Convert scan1 results to the scanone format |
scan_qtl_to_qtl2 |
Convert R/qtl scanone results to R/qtl2 scan1 format |
write2csv |
Write a data frame to a CSV file |