runInterface {qmethod} | R Documentation |
Q methodology: Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Launch an interactive interface to run Q methodology analysis using the basic features. The interface is also [available online](
This GUI allows the user to conduct a full Q methodology analysis, choosing:
either PCA or centroid extraction method
varimax or no rotation method (for PCA and centroid) and other uncommon rotation methods (for PCA)
selecting from 2 to 7 factors/components.
The GUI conducts analysis with forced distribution and automatic flagging. See Note.
The GUI shows the full results from the analysis, and also:
Plot of z-scores
Automatically flagged Q-sorts
Information to explore how many factors to extract (including a screeplot)
Plot of z-scores
This GUI has limited functionality in comparison to that through the command-line. For full functionality (such as specifying non-forced analysis, manual flagging, and much more), use the command-line directly in the R console. See, for example, a tutorial for manual manipulation of Q-sort loadings and/or manual flagging.
To run this same analysis directly in R, see the code generated in the GUI in Run the analysis directly in R.
## Only run this example in interactive R sessions
if (interactive()) {