Analysis of Subjective Perspectives Using Q Methodology

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Documentation for package ‘qmethod’ version 1.8.4

Help Pages

qmethod-package Package for Q methodology analysis
build.q.set Q methodology: sample a Q set from a concourse
centroid Q methodology: centroid extraction
export.pqmethod Q methodology: export to PQMethod *.DAT and *.STA files
export.qm Q Methodology: export results to a plain text document
import.easyhtmlq Q methodology: import data from easy-HTMLQ
import.htmlq Q methodology: import data from HTMLQ and FlashQ
import.pqmethod Q methodology: import PQMethod *.DAT files
import.q.concourse Q methodology: import concourse of Q items Q methodology: imports feedback on Q items
import.q.sorts Q methodology: import Q-sorts from CSV
importexample Import Example
lipset _Lipset_ (1963) Q methodology dataset
loa.and.flags Q methodology: show factor loadings next to flags Q methodology: produce printable cards for Q study with ID and full item wording
make.distribution Q methodology: create Q normal distribution
plot.QmethodRes Q Method: plot for statement z-scores
print.QmethodRes Q Method: print method for results
q.fnames Change factor names in the results of Q methodology analysis
qbstep Q Methodology: Single step for the bootstrap
qdc Q methodology: distinguishing and consensus statements
qdc.zsc Q methodology: distinguishing and consensus statements
qfcharact Q methodology: factor characteristics
qflag Q methodology: automatic flagging of Q-sorts
qfsi Q Methodology: Factor Stability index
qindtest Q Methodology: PCA bootstrap indeterminacy tests
qmb.plot Q Methodology: Plot of bootstrap results
qmb.summary Q Methodology: Summary of bootstrap results
qmboots Q Methodology: Bootstrap
qmethod Q methodology analysis
qpcrustes Q Methodology: Procrustes rotation of loadings
qzscores Q methodology: z-scores from loadings
runInterface Q methodology: Graphical User Interface (GUI)
summary.QmethodRes Q methodology: summary for class 'QmethodRes'