annual2quarterly |
Estimates quarterly life tables |
birth_2006 |
Half of male births recorded in the Comunitat Valenciana (Spain) during 2006. |
compute_SAI |
Estimates seasonal-ageing indexes from quarterly tables of crude rates estimates. |
coord_age |
Time elapsed (in years) since last birthday and the date of the event |
coord_time |
Time elapsed (in years) since the beginning of the year |
count_events_quarter |
Data frame of number of events occurring in each Lexis-diagram quarter |
crude_mx |
Data frame(s) of crude estimates of quarterly (and annual) central rates of mortality estimated from quarterly summary statistics. |
crude_mx_sh2 |
Data frame(s) of crude estimates of quarterly (and annual) central rates of mortality estimated using shortcut 2. |
crude_mx_sh3 |
Data frame(s) of crude estimates of quarterly (and annual) central rates of mortality estimated using shortcut 3. |
death_2006 |
Half of male deaths recorded in Comunitat Valenciana (Spain) during year 2006. |
distribute_excess |
Randomly distributes the excess of recorded births in a given day |
emi_2006 |
Male emigrants recorded in Comunitat Valenciana (Spain) during year 2006. |
exact_age |
Time elapsed (in years) since the dates of birth and event. |
immi_2006 |
Half of the male immigrants recorded in Comunitat Valenciana (Spain) during year 2006. |
plot.qlifetable |
Graphical representation in a 4x4 raster of a qlifetable data frame. |
plot.SAI |
Graphical representation of a SAI object. |
pop_2006 |
Half of the male population living in the Comunitat Valenciana (Spain) on January, 1 2006. |
quarterly_variables |
Data frame of quarterly variables |
SAI_shortcut_1 |
Estimates seasonal-ageing indexes using shortcut 1. |
time_exposed_ins |
Data frame of time exposed at risk for a population of immigrants/portfolio entries |
time_exposed_newborns |
Data frame of time exposed at risk for a population of newborns |
time_exposed_outs |
Data frame of time exposed at risk for a population of deaths/emigrants/exits (portfolio withdrawals, lapses) during the year of the event. |
time_exposed_stock |
Data frame of time exposed at risk for a stock of general/insured population |