Statistical Tools for Quantitative Genetic Analyses

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Documentation for package ‘qgg’ version 1.1.2

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acc Compute prediction accuracy for a quantitative or binary trait
adjStat Adjustment of marker summary statistics using clumping and thresholding
gbayes Bayesian linear regression models
getG Get elements from genotype matrix stored in PLINK bedfiles
gfilter Filter genetic marker data based on different quality measures
glma Single marker association analysis using linear models or linear mixed models
gmap Finemapping using Bayesian Linear Regression Models
gprep Prepare genotype data for all statistical analyses
greml Genomic rescticted maximum likelihood (GREML) analysis
grm Computing the genomic relationship matrix (GRM)
gscore Genomic scoring based on single marker summary statistics
gsea Gene set enrichment analysis
gsim Genomic simulation
gsolve Solve linear mixed model equations
ldsc LD score regression
mtadj Adjustment of marker effects using correlated trait information