qcd {qcr} | R Documentation |
Quality Control Data
Create an object of class 'qcd' to perform statistical quality control. This object may then be used to plot Shewhart charts, Multivariate Control Charts, and more.
var.index = 1,
sample.index = 2,
covar.index = NULL,
covar.names = NULL,
data.name = NULL,
type.data = c("continuous", "atributte", "dependence"),
sizes = NULL
data |
a matrix or data-frame which should contain data, index sample and, optionally, covariate(s). |
var.index |
a scalar with the column number corresponding to the observed data for the variable (the variable quality). Alternativelly can be a string with the name of the quality variable. |
sample.index |
a scalar with the column number corresponding to the index each group (sample). |
covar.index |
optional. A scalar or numeric vector with the column number(s) corresponding to the covariate(s). Alternativelly it can be a character vector with the names of the covariates. |
covar.names |
optional. A string or vector of strings with names for the covariate columns. Only valid if there is more than one column of data. By default, takes the names from the original object. |
data.name |
a string specifying the name of the variable which appears on the plots. If not provided it is taken from the object given as data. |
type.data |
a string specifying the type of data. |
sizes |
optional. A value or a vector of values specifying the sample sizes
associated with each group. For continuous data the sample sizes are obtained counting the non- |