Quality Control Review

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Documentation for package ‘qcr’ version 1.4

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-- A --

archery1 Target archery dataset in the ranking round (used as Phase I)

-- C --

circuit Circuit boards data
counters The performance of the counters data

-- D --

dowel1 Dowel pin dataset

-- E --

employment Level of employment data

-- F --

fdqcd It creates a data object to be used in Functional Data Quality Control
fdqcs.depth Function to plot depth functional data (DFD) - chart
fdqcs.depth.default Function to plot depth functional data (DFD) - chart
fdqcs.depth.fdqcd Function to plot depth functional data (DFD) - chart
fdqcs.rank Function to plot rank functional data (DFD) - chart
fdqcs.rank.fdqcd Function to plot rank functional data (DFD) - chart

-- M --

mqcd It creates a data object to be used in Multivariante Quality Control
mqcs It computes statistics to be used in Multivariante Quality Control
mqcs.add mqcs.add Add a matrix, data.frame or array object with a mqcs object
mqcs.add.default mqcs.add Add a matrix, data.frame or array object with a mqcs object
mqcs.mcusum Function to plot mcusum chart
mqcs.mcusum.default Function to plot mcusum chart
mqcs.mcusum.mqcd Function to plot mcusum chart
mqcs.mewma Function to plot mewma chart
mqcs.mewma.default Function to plot mewma chart
mqcs.mewma.mqcd Function to plot mewma chart
mqcs.t2 Function to plot t2 Hotelling chart
mqcs.t2.default Function to plot t2 Hotelling chart
mqcs.t2.mqcd Function to plot t2 Hotelling chart
mstate.control Multivariate process state

-- N --

npqcd It creates a data object for Non Parametric Quality Control
npqcs Statistical Quality Control Object
npqcs.add npqcs.add Add a matrix, data.frame or array object with a npqcs object
npqcs.add.default npqcs.add Add a matrix, data.frame or array object with a npqcs object
npqcs.Q Function to plot the Q chart
npqcs.Q.default Function to plot the Q chart
npqcs.Q.npqcd Function to plot the Q chart
npqcs.r Function to plot the r chart
npqcs.r.default Function to plot the r chart
npqcs.r.npqcd Function to plot the r chart
npqcs.S Function to plot the S chart
npqcs.S.default Function to plot the S chart
npqcs.S.npqcd Function to plot the S chart
npstate.control non parametric process state

-- O --

orangejuice Orange juice data
oxidation Oxidation Onset Temperature

-- P --

pcmanufact Personal computer manufacturer data
pistonrings Piston rings data
plates Vickers hardness data
plot.fdqcd Plot method for 'fdqcd' objects
plot.fdqcs.depth Plot method for 'fdqcs.depth' objects
plot.fdqcs.rank Plot method for 'fdqcs.depth' objects
plot.mqcs Plot method for 'mqcs' objects
plot.mqcs.mcusum Plot method for 'mqcs' objects
plot.mqcs.mewma Plot method for 'mqcs' objects
plot.mqcs.t2 Plot method for 'mqcs' objects
plot.npqcs Plot method for 'npqcs' objects
plot.npqcs.Q Plot method for 'npqcs' objects
plot.npqcs.r Plot method for 'npqcs' objects
plot.npqcs.S Plot method for 'npqcs' objects
plot.qcs function to create a plotting 'qcs' object
plot.qcs.c function to create a plotting 'qcs' object
plot.qcs.cusum function to create a plotting 'qcs' object
plot.qcs.ewma function to create a plotting 'qcs' object
plot.qcs.np function to create a plotting 'qcs' object
plot.qcs.one function to create a plotting 'qcs' object
plot.qcs.p function to create a plotting 'qcs' object
plot.qcs.R function to create a plotting 'qcs' object
plot.qcs.S function to create a plotting 'qcs' object
plot.qcs.u function to create a plotting 'qcs' object
plot.qcs.xbar function to create a plotting 'qcs' object
presion Level of presion data
print.mqcs It computes statistics to be used in Multivariante Quality Control
print.npqcs Statistical Quality Control Object
print.qcs Quality Control Statistics

-- Q --

qcd Quality Control Data
qcr Quality Control Review
qcs Quality Control Statistics
qcs.add qcs.add Add a data.frame object with a qcs object
qcs.add.default qcs.add Add a data.frame object with a qcs object
qcs.atributte Quality Control Statistics
qcs.c Function to plot Shewhart c chart
qcs.c.default Function to plot Shewhart c chart
qcs.c.qcd Function to plot Shewhart c chart
qcs.ca Capability Analysis
qcs.continuous Quality Control Statistics
qcs.cp Process capability indices (parametric)
qcs.cpn Process capability indices (Nonparametric)
qcs.cusum Function to plot the cusum chart
qcs.cusum.default Function to plot the cusum chart
qcs.cusum.qcd Function to plot the cusum chart
qcs.dependence Quality Control Statistics
qcs.ewma Function to plot ewma chart
qcs.ewma.default Function to plot ewma chart
qcs.ewma.qcd Function to plot ewma chart
qcs.hat.cpm Process capability index (estimate cpm)
qcs.np Function to plot Shewhart np chart
qcs.np.default Function to plot Shewhart np chart
qcs.np.qcd Function to plot Shewhart np chart
qcs.one Function to plot the Shewhart xbar.one chart
qcs.one.default Function to plot the Shewhart xbar.one chart
qcs.one.qcd Function to plot the Shewhart xbar.one chart
qcs.p Function to plot Shewhart xbar chart
qcs.p.default Function to plot Shewhart xbar chart
qcs.p.qcd Function to plot Shewhart xbar chart
qcs.pcr Process capability indices for a given dataset and distribution
qcs.R Function to plot Shewhart R chart
qcs.R.default Function to plot Shewhart R chart
qcs.R.qcd Function to plot Shewhart R chart
qcs.S Function to plot Shewhart S chart
qcs.S.default Function to plot Shewhart S chart
qcs.S.qcd Function to plot Shewhart S chart
qcs.u Function to plot Shewhart u chart
qcs.u.default Function to plot Shewhart u chart
qcs.u.qcd Function to plot Shewhart u chart
qcs.xbar Function to plot the Shewhart xbar chart
qcs.xbar.default Function to plot the Shewhart xbar chart
qcs.xbar.qcd Function to plot the Shewhart xbar chart

-- S --

state.control Univariante process state
summary.mqcs It computes statistics to be used in Multivariante Quality Control
summary.npqcs Statistical Quality Control Object
summary.qcs Quality Control Statistics