Query Composite Hypotheses

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Documentation for package ‘qch’ version 2.0.0

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Copula.Hconfig_gaussian_density Gaussian copula density for each Hconfiguration.
EM_calibration_gaussian EM calibration in the case of the gaussian copula (unsigned)
EM_calibration_gaussian_memory EM calibration in the case of the gaussian copula (unsigned) with memory management
EM_calibration_indep EM calibration in the case of conditional independence
EM_calibration_indep_memory EM calibration in the case of conditional independence with memory management (unsigned)
f1_separation_signed Signed case function: Separate f1 into f+ and f-
FastKerFdr_signed FastKerFdr signed
FastKerFdr_unsigned FastKerFdr unsigned
fHconfig_sum_update_gaussian_copula_ptr_parallel Computation of the sum sum_c(w_c*psi_c) using Gaussian copula parallelized version
fHconfig_sum_update_ptr_parallel Computation of the sum sum_c(w_c*psi_c) parallelized version
gaussian_copula_density Gaussian copula density
GetH1AtLeast Specify the configurations corresponding to the composite H_1 test "AtLeast".
GetH1Equal Specify the configurations corresponding to the composite H_1 test "Equal".
GetHconfig Generate the H_0/H_1 configurations.
prior_update_arma_ptr_parallel Update of the prior estimate in EM algo parallelized version
prior_update_gaussian_copula_ptr_parallel Update of the prior estimate in EM algo using Gaussian copula, parallelized version
PvalSets Synthetic example to illustrate the main qch functions
PvalSets_cor Synthetic example to illustrate the main qch functions using gaussian copula
qch.fit Infer posterior probabilities of H_0/H_1 configurations.
qch.test Perform composite hypothesis testing.
R.MLE Gaussian copula correlation matrix Maximum Likelihood estimator.
R.MLE.check Check the Gaussian copula correlation matrix Maximum Likelihood estimator
R.MLE.memory Gaussian copula correlation matrix Maximum Likelihood estimator (memory handling)
R_MLE_update_gaussian_copula_ptr_parallel Update the estimate of R correlation matrix of the gaussian copula, parallelized version