makedynamics_general {pttstability} | R Documentation |
Simulate general time series
Simulates a time series following a user-defined deterministic function, observation function, process noise function, and colonization function.
n = 1000,
n0 = 0.1,
pdet = c(log(3), log(1)),
proc = c(log(1)),
obs = c(log(1)),
pcol = c(logit(0.2), log(1)),
detfun = detfun0,
procfun = procfun0,
obsfun = obsfun0,
colfun = colfun0,
doplot = FALSE
n |
number of timesteps to simulate |
n0 |
starting population size |
pdet |
a numeric vector of parameters for the deterministic function |
proc |
a numeric vector of parameters for the process noise function |
obs |
a numeric vector of parameters for the observation error function |
pcol |
a numeric vector of parameters for the colonization function |
detfun |
A function that simulates deterministic dynamics, which takes in arguments sdet (parameters for deterministic model, taken from pars$proc), and xt, observed abundances at time t. Returns estimated abundances at time t+1 based on deterministic function (either a parametric function or an EDM function). Defaults to detfun0. |
procfun |
A function that simulates process noise, which takes in arguments sp (parameters for process noise function, taken from pars$proc) and xt (abundances prior to process noise). Returns abundances after process noise has occurred. Defaults to procfun0. |
obsfun |
An observation function, which takes in up to five variables, including so (a vector of parameter values, inherited from pars$obs), yt (a number, showing observed abundance at time t), xt (predicted abundances), binary value "inverse", and number "N". If inverse = TRUE, then function should simulate N draws from the observation function, centered around value yt. If inverse = FALSE, then function should return log probability denisty of observed value yt given predicted values in xt. Defaults to obsfun0. |
colfun |
A function simulating colonization events, that takes in two arguments: co, a vector of parameter values taken from pars$pcol, and xt, a number or numeric vector of abundances at time t, before colonization has occurred. Returns predicted abundances after colonization has occurred. Defaults to colful0. |
doplot |
a logical specifying wether output should be plotted - defaults to FALSE |
An n-by-3 dataframe of states, including obs (observed values), truth (true values), and noproc (values without process noise)
#run function
datout<-makedynamics_general(n=2e4, proc = c(-2,log(1.2)))
#show regression of variance vs. mean for binned data
datout_ps<-datout[datout$true>0 & datout$noproc>0,]
sq<-seq(0, quantile(datout$true, 0.95), length=50)
ctd<-cut(datout_ps$noproc, sq)
#calculate mean and variance by bin
var=tapply((datout_ps$true-datout_ps$noproc)^2, ctd, mean))
#plot result
plot(log(tdat$mu), log(tdat$var), xlab="mu", ylab="var")
#show regression
summary(mod<-lm(log(var)~log(mu), tdat)); abline(mod, col=2)