df1 |
Example dataset with longitudinal counts |
loglik.pt.1re |
Loglikelihood of Poisson-Tweedie generalized linear mixed model with random intercept |
make.spaghetti |
Generate a spaghetti plot to visualize longitudinal data |
nbglm |
Negative binomial generalized linear model |
nbmixed |
Negative binomial generalized linear mixed model |
pmf |
Probability mass function plot for a discrete variable |
ptglm |
Poisson-Tweedie generalized linear model |
ptmixed |
Poisson-Tweedie generalized linear mixed model |
ranef |
Compute random effects for Poisson-Tweedie and negative binomial mixed model |
simulate_ptglmm |
Simulate data from the Poisson-Tweedie generalized linear mixed model |
summary.ptglm |
Summarizing Poisson-Tweedie and negative binomial GLM estimation results |
summary.ptglmm |
Summarizing Poisson-Tweedie and negative binomial mixed model estimation results |
wald.test |
Wald test for regression coefficients |