hmeto {ptm} | R Documentation |
Human MetO sites oxidized by hydrogen peroxide treatment.
A dataset containing data regarding human MetO sites oxidized by H2O2.
A data frame with 4472 rows and 15 variables:
- prot_id
UniProt ID of the oxidized protein
- prot_name
the protein's name
- met_pos
the position of the MetO site in the primary structure
- met_vivo_vitro
conditions under which the oxidation experiment was carried out
- MetOsites
array with all the sites oxidized in that protein
- site_id
primary key identifying the site
- positive
sequence environment of the MetO site
- control
sequence environment of a non oxidized Met from the same protein
Intrinsically Disordered Proteins, 0: the protein is not found in DisProt; 1: the protein contains disordered regions; 2: the protein may contain disordered regions but the experimental evidences are ambiguous
Intrinsically Disordered Region, TRUE: the MetO site belong to the IDR, FALSE: the MetO site doesn't belong to the IDR
- abundance
protein abundance, in ppm
- N
protein length, in number of residues
- met
number of methionine residues
- fmet
relative frequency of Met in that protein
- prot_vivo_vitro
whether the protein has been described to be oxidized in vivo, in vitro or under both conditions