Minimal Protein Set Explaining Peptide Spectrum Matches

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Documentation for package ‘prozor’ version 0.3.1

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annotateAHO annotate peptides using AhoCorasickTrie
annotatePeptides Annotate peptides with protein ids
Cdsw Compute dynamic swath windows
Cdsw-class Compute dynamic swath windows
computeFDR Compute FDR given a score
computeFDRwithID Compute FDR given a score
createDecoyDB Create db with decoys and contaminants
create_fgcz_fasta_db create fasta db from one or more fasta files
fdrSample Data frame score and proteinID
greedy given matrix (columns protein rows peptides), compute minimal protein set using greedy algorithm
greedyRes2Matrix converts result of greedy function to a matrix with 3 columns - peptide - charge and protein
loadContaminantsFasta2019 load list of contaminant sequences FGCZ 2019
loadContaminantsFasta2021 load list of contaminant sequences FGCZ 2021
makeID make id for chain in format sp|P30443|1A01_HUMANs25
makeIDUnip make id for chain compatible with uniprot
masses MS masses A dataset containing approx 150000 MS1 precursor masses
objectiveMS1Function compute the deviation from optimum: equal number of MS1 per bin
pepprot Table containing peptide information
plotFDR plot FDR
predictScoreFDR Predict score given FDR
prepareMatrix given table of peptide protein assigments generate matrix
protpepmetashort Small version of pepprot dataset to speed up computation
prozor Minimal Protein Set Explaining Peptides
readjustWindows Readjust windows so that boundaries in regions of few peaks.
readPeptideFasta wrapper setting the correct parameters seqinr::read.fasta for reading peptide sequences
removeSignalPeptide remove signal peptides from main chain
reverseSeq create rev sequences to fasta list
writeFasta write fasta lists into file