radialplot.counts {provenance}R Documentation

Visualise point-counting data on a radial plot


Implementation of a graphical device developed by Rex Galbraith to display several estimates of the same quantity that have different standard errors.


## S3 method for class 'counts'
  num = 1,
  den = 2,
  from = NA,
  to = NA,
  t0 = NA,
  sigdig = 2,
  show.numbers = FALSE,
  pch = 21,
  levels = NA,
  clabel = "",
  bg = c("white", "red"),
  title = TRUE,



an object of class counts


index or name of the numerator variable


index or name of the denominator variable


minimum limit of the radial scale


maximum limit of the radial scale


central value


the number of significant digits of the numerical values reported in the title of the graphical output.


boolean flag (TRUE to show sample numbers)


plot character (default is a filled circle)


a vector with additional values to be displayed as different background colours of the plot symbols.


label of the colour legend


a vector of two background colours for the plot symbols. If levels=NA, then only the first colour is used. If levels is a vector of numbers, then bg is used to construct a colour ramp.


add a title to the plot?


additional arguments to the generic points function


The radial plot (Galbraith, 1988, 1990) is a graphical device that was specifically designed to display heteroscedastic data, and is constructed as follows. Consider a set of dates {t1,...,ti,...,tn}\{t_1,...,t_i,...,t_n\} and uncertainties {s[t1],...,s[ti],...,s[tn]}\{s[t_1],...,s[t_i],...,s[t_n]\}. Define zi=z[ti]z_i = z[t_i] to be a transformation of tit_i (e.g., zi=log[ti]z_i = log[t_i]), and let s[zi]s[z_i] be its propagated analytical uncertainty (i.e., s[zi]=s[ti]/tis[z_i] = s[t_i]/t_i in the case of a logarithmic transformation). Create a scatterplot of (xi,yi)(x_i,y_i) values, where xi=1/s[zi]x_i = 1/s[z_i] and yi=(ziz)/s[zi]y_i = (z_i-z_\circ)/s[z_i], where zz_\circ is some reference value such as the mean. The slope of a line connecting the origin of this scatterplot with any of the (xi,yi)(x_i,y_i)s is proportional to ziz_i and, hence, the date tit_i. These dates can be more easily visualised by drawing a radial scale at some convenient distance from the origin and annotating it with labelled ticks at the appropriate angles. While the angular position of each data point represents the date, its horizontal distance from the origin is proportional to the precision. Imprecise measurements plot on the left hand side of the radial plot, whereas precise age determinations are found further towards the right. Thus, radial plots allow the observer to assess both the magnitude and the precision of quantitative data in one glance.


Galbraith, R.F., 1988. Graphical display of estimates having differing standard errors. Technometrics, 30(3), pp.271-281.

Galbraith, R.F., 1990. The radial plot: graphical assessment of spread in ages. International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part D. Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements, 17(3), pp.207-214.

Galbraith, R.F. and Laslett, G.M., 1993. Statistical models for mixed fission track ages. Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements, 21(4), pp.459-470.



[Package provenance version 4.3 Index]