aver_techreps | Compute average intensity |
corr_plot | Correlation between technical replicates |
covid_fit_df | Suvarna et al 2021 LFQ data (fit object) |
covid_norm_df | Suvarna et al 2021 LFQ data (normalized) |
create_df | Create a data frame of protein intensities |
ecoli_fit_df | Cox et al 2014 LFQ data (fit object) |
ecoli_norm_df | Cox et al 2014 LFQ data (normalized) |
feature_plot | Visualize feature (protein) variation among conditions |
filterbygroup_na | Filter proteins by group level missing data |
find_dep | Identify differentially expressed proteins between groups |
heatmap_de | Heatmap of differentially expressed proteins |
heatmap_na | Visualize missing data |
impute_na | Impute missing values |
impute_plot | Visualize the impact of imputation |
normalize_data | Normalize intensity data |
norm_plot | Visualize the effect of normalization |
onegroup_only | Proteins that are only expressed in a given group |
performance_plot | Model performance plot |
pre_process | Pre-process protein intensity data for modeling |
rem_feature | Remove user-specified proteins (features) from a data frame |
rem_sample | Remove user-specified samples |
roc_plot | ROC plot |
split_data | Split the data frame to create training and test data |
test_models | Test machine learning models on test data |
train_models | Train machine learning models on training data |
varimp_plot | Variable importance plot |
volcano_plot | Volcano plot |