profExtrema-package |
profExtrema package |
approxMaxMin |
Approximate coordinate profile functions |
approxProfileExtrema |
Approximate profile extrema functions |
bound_profiles |
Bound for profile extrema quantiles |
cleanProfileResults |
Clean a profile extrema object |
coastal_flooding |
Coastal flooding as function of offshore forcing conditions. |
coordinateProfiles |
Coordinate profiles starting from a kriging model |
coordProf_UQ |
Coordinate profiles UQ from a kriging model |
getAllMaxMin |
Coordinate profile extrema with BFGS optimization |
getChangePoints |
Coordinate profiles crossing points |
getClosePoints |
Find close points |
getMax |
Coordinate profile sup function |
getMaxMinMC |
Coordinate profile extrema with MC |
getMin |
Coordinate profile inf function |
getPointProportion |
Obtain proportion of true observations in excursion set |
getProfileExtrema |
Profile extrema with BFGS optimization |
getProfileInf_optim |
Generic profile inf function computation with optim |
getProfileSup_optim |
Generic profile sup function computation with optim |
getSegments |
getSegments |
gradKm_dnewdata |
Gradient of posterior mean and variance |
grad_mean_Delta_T |
Gradient of the mean function of difference process |
grad_var_Delta_T |
Gradient of the variance function of difference process |
kGradSmooth |
First order approximation |
mean_Delta_T |
mean function of difference process |
obliqueProfiles |
Oblique coordinate profiles starting from a kriging model |
obliqueProf_UQ |
Oblique profiles UQ from a kriging model |
plotBivariateProfiles |
Plot bivariate profiles |
plotMaxMin |
Plot coordinate profiles |
plotOblique |
plotOblique |
plotOneBivProfile |
Plot bivariate profiles |
plot_univariate_profiles_UQ |
Univariate profile extrema with UQ |
profExtrema |
profExtrema package |
prof_mean_var_Delta |
Profile extrema for the mean and variance functions of difference process |
setPlotOptions |
Set-up the plot options when NULL |
var_Delta_T |
Variance function of difference process |