auctions |
Auction data |
baseball |
Baseball attendance data |
births |
Birth outcome data |
bitcoin |
Bitcoin price and returns data |
brands |
Brand data |
cigdata |
State-level cigarette price and tax data |
congress |
Congressional election data |
cps |
Current Population Survey (CPS) data |
dictator |
Dictator-game data |
exams |
Exam data |
houseprices |
Housing price data |
hrs |
Health-expenditure data |
inflation |
Inflation data |
inflation_expectations |
Inflation expectations data |
linear_combination |
Test a single linear restriction of a model |
married |
Married-couple data |
metricsgrades |
Econometrics course data |
mutualfunds |
Mutual-fund performance data |
names2022 |
Popular names data |
premier2020 |
Premier League soccer data |
resume |
Resume response data |
sp500 |
Monthly returns data for S&P 500 companies |
strikes |
Strike duration data |
test_linear_restrictions |
Test multiple linear restrictions simultaneously |
var_mean_indep |
Variance helper functions |
var_mean_onesample |
Variance helper functions |
var_prop_indep |
Variance helper functions |
wald_test |
Wald test statistic and p-value |
website |
Website visitor arrival data |
widgets |
Hypothetical data for website |