sim {probs}R Documentation

Simulate Draws from a Sample Space


Simulates the experiment of drawing from a sample space.

Simulates the experiment of drawing from a sample space.

Simulates the experiment of drawing from a sample space.


sim(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
sim(x, ntrials, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ps'
sim(x, ntrials, ...)



a probability space or a subset of one.


further arguments to be passed to or from other methods.


number of times to repeat the experiment.


The sim() function is a wrapper for sample(), except that it strips the probs component from the result and (if x is a data frame) renames the rownames of the data frame consecutively from 1:ntrials.

The sim() function is a wrapper for sample(), except that it strips the probs component from the result and (if x is a data frame) renames the rownames of the data frame consecutively from 1:ntrials.

The sim() function is a wrapper for sample(), except that it strips the probs component from the result and (if x is a data frame) renames the rownames of the data frame consecutively from 1:ntrials.


A data frame if space is a data frame, or a list if space is of class ps.

A data frame if space is a data frame, or a list if space is of class ps.

A data frame if space is a data frame, or a list if space is of class ps.


G. Jay Kerns

See Also





S <- cards(makespace = TRUE)
sim(S, ntrials = 5)

T <- urnsamples(S, 2)
U <- probspace(T)
sim(U, ntrials = 4)

S <- cards(makespace = TRUE)
sim(S, ntrials = 5)

T <- urnsamples(S, 2)
U <- probspace(T)
sim(U, ntrials = 4)

S <- cards(makespace = TRUE)
sim(S, ntrials = 5)

T <- urnsamples(S, 2)
U <- probspace(T)
sim(U, ntrials = 4)

[Package probs version 0.9.9 Index]