Elementary Probability on Finite Sample Spaces

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Documentation for package ‘probs’ version 0.9.9

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addrv Adding Random Variables to a Probability Space
cards A Standard Set of Playing Cards
countrep Count Repetitions Counts the number of repetitions of 'vals' in a given vector 'x'.
countrep.data.frame Count Repetitions Counts the number of repetitions of 'vals' in a given vector 'x'.
countrep.default Count Repetitions Counts the number of repetitions of 'vals' in a given vector 'x'.
empirical Empirical Summary of a Simulation
euchredeck A Deck of Playing Cards for Euchre
gen2wayTable Generate Two-way Tables
genIndepTable Generate Independent Two-way Table
genLogRegData Generate data for logistic regression
genXdata Generate continuous model matrix data
iidspace Independent Identical Experiments Sets up a probability space corresponding to independent, identical experiments.
intersect Intersection of Subsets Calculates the intersection of subsets of a probability space. Comparisons are made row-wise, so that in the data frame case, 'intersect(A,B)' is a data frame with those rows that are both in 'A' and in 'B'.
intersect.data.frame Intersection of Subsets Calculates the intersection of subsets of a probability space. Comparisons are made row-wise, so that in the data frame case, 'intersect(A,B)' is a data frame with those rows that are both in 'A' and in 'B'.
intersect.default Intersection of Subsets Calculates the intersection of subsets of a probability space. Comparisons are made row-wise, so that in the data frame case, 'intersect(A,B)' is a data frame with those rows that are both in 'A' and in 'B'.
intersect.ps Intersection of Subsets Calculates the intersection of subsets of a probability space. Comparisons are made row-wise, so that in the data frame case, 'intersect(A,B)' is a data frame with those rows that are both in 'A' and in 'B'.
is.probspace Testing for a Probability Space Decides whether a given object is a probability space.
isin Test Whether One Vector Is In Another Vector
isin.data.frame Test Whether One Vector Is In Another Vector
isin.default Test Whether One Vector Is In Another Vector
isrep Is Repeated in a Vector Tests for a certain number of repetitions of 'vals' in a given vector 'x'.
isrep.data.frame Is Repeated in a Vector Tests for a certain number of repetitions of 'vals' in a given vector 'x'.
isrep.default Is Repeated in a Vector Tests for a certain number of repetitions of 'vals' in a given vector 'x'.
marginal Marginal Distributions
noorder Sort and Merge Probability Space Outcomes
nsamp Number of Samples from an Urn
permsn Generate All Permutations of x Elements Taken m at a Time
Prob Probability and Conditional Probability Calculates probability and conditional probability of events.
Prob.default Probability and Conditional Probability Calculates probability and conditional probability of events.
Prob.ps Probability and Conditional Probability Calculates probability and conditional probability of events.
probspace Probability Spaces Forms a probability space from a set of outcomes and (optional) vector of probabilities.
probspace.default Probability Spaces Forms a probability space from a set of outcomes and (optional) vector of probabilities.
probspace.list Probability Spaces Forms a probability space from a set of outcomes and (optional) vector of probabilities.
rolldie Rolling a Die
roulette Roulette
setdiff Set Difference of Subsets Calculates the (nonsymmetric) set difference of subsets of a probability space.
setdiff.data.frame Set Difference of Subsets Calculates the (nonsymmetric) set difference of subsets of a probability space.
setdiff.default Set Difference of Subsets Calculates the (nonsymmetric) set difference of subsets of a probability space.
setdiff.ps Set Difference of Subsets Calculates the (nonsymmetric) set difference of subsets of a probability space.
sim Simulate Draws from a Sample Space
sim.default Simulate Draws from a Sample Space
sim.ps Simulate Draws from a Sample Space
subset.ps Subsets of Probability Spaces This is a method for 'subset()' for the case when the input object is a probability space of class 'ps'.
tosscoin Tossing a Coin
union Union of Subsets Calculates the union of subsets of a probability space.
union.data.frame Union of Subsets Calculates the union of subsets of a probability space.
union.default Union of Subsets Calculates the union of subsets of a probability space.
union.ps Union of Subsets Calculates the union of subsets of a probability space.
urnsamples Sampling from Urns This function creates a sample space associated with the experiment of sampling distinguishable objects from an urn.
urnsamples.data.frame Sampling from Urns This function creates a sample space associated with the experiment of sampling distinguishable objects from an urn.
urnsamples.default Sampling from Urns This function creates a sample space associated with the experiment of sampling distinguishable objects from an urn.