genFordsAlphaTree {poweRbal}R Documentation

Generation of rooted binary trees under Ford's alpha model


genFordsAlphaTree - Generates a rooted binary tree in phylo format with the given number of n leaves under Ford's alpha model. Ford's alpha model is not a rate-based evolutionary (tree) construction and thus cannot generate edge lengths, only a topology. Instead, it works as follows: The idea is to start with a cherry and incrementally increase the size of the tree by adding a new leaf with a leaf edge to any edge (inner or leaf edge), one at a time. Given a tree with i leaves, then each of the i-1 innner edges (includes an additional root edge) is chosen with probability ALPHA/(i-ALPHA). Each of the i leaf edges is chosen with probability (1-ALPHA)/(i-ALPHA).
Due to the restrictions of the phylo or multiphylo format the number of leaves must be at least 2 since there must be at least one edge.


genFordsAlphaTree(n, ALPHA)



Integer value that specifies the desired number of leaves, i.e., vertices with in-degree 1 and out-degree 0.


Numeric value >=0 and <=1 which specifies the probabilites of picking an inner or a leaf edge. For certain choices of ALPHA Ford's alpha model coincides with known models:

  • ALPHA = 0: Yule model

  • ALPHA = 1/2: PDA model (all phylogenies equally probable)

  • ALPHA = 1: Caterpillar with n leaves


genFordsAlphaTree A single tree of class phylo is returned.


Sophie Kersting



genFordsAlphaTree(n = 5, ALPHA = 0.3)

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