Phylogenetic Tree Models and the Power of Tree Shape Statistics

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Documentation for package ‘poweRbal’ version

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enum2cladewise Function to modify the node enumeration in rooted binary trees
genAldousBetaTree Generation of rooted binary trees under Aldous' beta splitting model
genAltBirthDeathTree Generation of rooted binary trees under the alternative birth-death model
genBiSSETree Generation of rooted binary trees under the BiSSE model
genCombTree Generation of the comb or caterpillar tree
genDensityTree Generation of rooted binary trees under the density model
genETMTree Generation of rooted binary trees under the equiprobable-types-model (ETM)
genFordsAlphaTree Generation of rooted binary trees under Ford's alpha model
genGFBTree Generation of the greedy from the bottom tree
genGrowTree Generation of rooted binary trees under tree growing models (no extinction)
genMBTree Generation of the maximally balanced tree
genPDATree Generation of rooted binary trees under the PDA model
genTrees Generation of rooted binary trees under a given tree model
genYuleTree Generation of rooted binary trees under the Yule model
getAccRegion Functions for computing the region of acceptance
getAccRegion_data Functions for computing the region of acceptance
getAllTSS Get information on included tree shape statistics
getPowerMultAM Functions for computing the power
getPowerMultTSS Functions for computing the power
getTSScolors Get information on included tree shape statistics
getTSSdata Functions for generating the TSS data under a tree model
getTSSdata_trees Functions for generating the TSS data under a tree model
getTSSnames Get information on included tree shape statistics
getTSSonly_bin Get information on included tree shape statistics
getTSSsafe_n Get information on included tree shape statistics
getTSSsimple Get information on included tree shape statistics
getTSStype Get information on included tree shape statistics
powerComp Comparison of the power of TSS under different models
showPower Functions for displaying TSS distributions and TSS power
showPower_param Functions for displaying TSS distributions and TSS power
showTSSdata Functions for displaying TSS distributions and TSS power
tssInfo Tree shape statistics