Individual Dose Optimization using Population Pharmacokinetics

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Documentation for package ‘posologyr’ version 1.2.4

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error_model_comb1 Residual error model combined 1
error_model_comb2 Residual error model combined 2
error_model_mixednm Residual error model mixed (idem NONMEM)
poso_dose_auc Estimate the optimal dose for a selected target area under the time-concentration curve (AUC)
poso_dose_conc Estimate the optimal dose for a selected target concentration
poso_estim_map Estimate the Maximum A Posteriori individual parameters
poso_estim_mcmc Estimate the posterior distribution of individual parameters by MCMC
poso_estim_sir Estimate the posterior distribution of individual parameters by SIR
poso_inter_cmin Estimate the optimal inter-dose interval for a given dose and a selected target trough concentration
poso_simu_pop Estimate the prior distribution of population parameters
poso_time_cmin Predict time to a selected trough concentration