Computing f-Statistics and Building Admixture Graphs Based on Allele Count or Pool-Seq Read Count Data

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Documentation for package ‘poolfstat’ version 2.2.0

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A B C E F G H I M P R S V misc

poolfstat-package PoolFstat

-- A --

add.leaf Test all possible connection of a leaf to a graph with non-admixed and or admixed edges

-- B --

bjack_cov bjack_cov

-- C --

compare.fitted.fstats Compare fitted f2, f3 and f4 f-statistics of an admixture graph with estimated ones
compute.f4ratio Compute F4ratio (estimation of admixture rate) from an fstats object
compute.fstats Estimate the F-statistics (F2, F3, F3star, F4, Dstat) and within and across population diversity
compute.pairwiseFST Compute pairwise population population FST matrix (and possibly all pairwise SNP-specific FST)
computeFST Compute FST from Pool-Seq data or Count data
compute_blockDdenom compute_blockDdenom
compute_Ddenom compute_Ddenom
compute_Ddenom_bjmeans compute_Ddenom_bjmeans
compute_F2_bjmeans compute_F2_bjmeans
compute_F3fromF2 compute_F3fromF2
compute_F3fromF2samples compute_F3fromF2samples
compute_F4DfromF2samples compute_F4DfromF2samples
compute_F4fromF2 compute_F4fromF2
compute_F4fromF2samples compute_F4fromF2samples
compute_H1 compute_H1
compute_Q2 compute_Q2
compute_QmatfromF2samples compute_QmatfromF2samples
compute_Q_bjmeans compute_Q_bjmeans
countdata S4 class to represent a Count data set.
countdata-class S4 class to represent a Count data set.
countdata.subset Create a subset of a countdata object that contains count data as a function of pop or SNP indexes

-- E --

extract_allele_names extract_allele_names
extract_nonvscan_counts extract_nonvscan_counts
extract_vscan_counts extract_vscan_counts

-- F --

find.tree.popset Find sets of populations that may used as scaffold tree
find_indelneighbor_idx find_indelneighbor_idx
fit.graph Estimate parameters of an admixture graph
fitted.graph S4 class to represent a population tree or admixture graph and its underlying fitted parameter.
fitted.graph-class S4 class to represent a population tree or admixture graph and its underlying fitted parameter.
fstats S4 class to represent fstats results obtained with computeFstats.
fstats-class S4 class to represent fstats results obtained with computeFstats.

-- G --

generate.graph.params Generate a graph parameter object to fit admixture graph to observed fstats
generate.jackknife.blocks Generate block coordinates for block-jackknife
generateF3names generateF3names
generateF4names generateF4names
genobaypass2countdata Convert BayPass allele count input files into a coundata object
genobaypass2pooldata Convert BayPass read count and haploid pool size input files into a pooldata object
genoselestim2pooldata Convert SelEstim read count input files into a pooldata object
genotreemix2countdata Convert allele count input files from the Treemix program into a coundata object
graph.builder Implement a graph builder heuristic by successively adding leaves to an initial graph
graph.params S4 class to represent a population tree or admixture graph and its underlying parameter.
graph.params-class S4 class to represent a population tree or admixture graph and its underlying parameter.
graph.params2qpGraphFiles Generate files for the qpGraph software from a graph.params object
graph.params2symbolic.fstats Provide a symbolic representation of all the F-statistics and the model system of equations

-- H --

heatmap-method Show pairwisefst object

-- I --

is.countdata Check countdata objects
is.fitted.graph Check fitted.graph objects
is.fstats Check fstats objects
is.graph.params Check graph.params objects
is.pairwisefst Check pairwisefst objects
is.pooldata Check pooldata objects

-- M --

make.example.files Create example files

-- P --

pairwisefst S4 class to represent a pairwise Fst results obtained with the compute.pairwiseFST
pairwisefst-class S4 class to represent a pairwise Fst results obtained with the compute.pairwiseFST
plot-method plot pairwisefst object
plot-method plot fstats object
plot-method plot graph in graph.params object
plot-method plot pairwisefst object
plot_fstats Plot F2, F3, F3star, F4, D or pairwise Fst values with their Confidence Intervals
pooldata S4 class to represent a Pool-Seq data set.
pooldata-class S4 class to represent a Pool-Seq data set.
pooldata.subset Create a subset of the pooldata object that contains Pool-Seq data as a function of pool and/or SNP indexes
pooldata2diyabc Convert a pooldata object into DIYABC input files.
pooldata2genobaypass Convert a pooldata object into BayPass input files.
pooldata2genoselestim Convert a pooldata object into SelEstim input files.
poolfstat PoolFstat
poppair_idx poppair_idx
popsync2pooldata Convert Popoolation Sync files into a pooldata object

-- R --

randomallele.pca PCA of a pooldata or countdata object using a random allele approach
rooted.njtree.builder Construct and root an Neighbor-Joining tree of presumably nonadmixed leaves

-- S --

scan_allele_info scan_allele_info
show-method Show countdata object
show-method Show fitted.graph object
show-method Show fstats object
show-method Show graph.params object
show-method Show pairwisefst object
show-method Show pooldata object

-- V --

vcf2pooldata Convert a VCF file into a pooldata object.

-- misc --

.compute_blockDdenom compute_blockDdenom
.compute_Ddenom compute_Ddenom
.compute_Ddenom_bjmeans compute_Ddenom_bjmeans
.compute_F2_bjmeans compute_F2_bjmeans
.compute_F3fromF2 compute_F3fromF2
.compute_F3fromF2samples compute_F3fromF2samples
.compute_F4DfromF2samples compute_F4DfromF2samples
.compute_F4fromF2 compute_F4fromF2
.compute_F4fromF2samples compute_F4fromF2samples
.compute_H1 compute_H1
.compute_Q2 compute_Q2
.compute_QmatfromF2samples compute_QmatfromF2samples
.compute_Q_bjmeans compute_Q_bjmeans
.extract_allele_names extract_allele_names
.extract_nonvscan_counts extract_nonvscan_counts
.extract_vscan_counts extract_vscan_counts
.find_indelneighbor_idx find_indelneighbor_idx
.generateF3names generateF3names
.generateF4names generateF4names
.scan_allele_info scan_allele_info