fit_pompp {pompp} | R Documentation |
Fit presence-only data using the Presence-Only for Marked Point Process model
The model uses a data augmentation scheme to avoid performing approximations on the likelihood function.
mcmc_setup = list(iter = 5000),
verbose = TRUE,
## S4 method for signature 'pompp_model,matrix'
neighborhoodSize = 20,
verbose = TRUE,
area = 1,
cores = parallel::detectCores(),
checkFormatBackground(object, background)
object |
Either a |
background |
A matrix where the rows are the grid cells for the studied
region and the columns are the covariates. |
mcmc_setup |
A list containing |
verbose |
Set to |
... |
Parameters passed on to specific methods.
neighborhoodSize |
Number of neighbors to use in the NNGP method. |
area |
A positive number with the studied region's area. |
cores |
Number of cores to pass to OpenMP. |
The background is kept outside of the
An object of class "pompp_fit"
See Also
and pompp_fit-class
beta <- c(-1, 2) # Intercept = -1. Only one covariate
delta <- c(3, 4) # Intercept = 3. Only one covariate
lambdaStar <- 1000
gamma <- 2
mu <- 5
total_points <- rpois(1, lambdaStar)
random_points <- cbind(runif(total_points), runif(total_points))
grid_size <- 50
# Find covariate values to explain the species occurrence.
# We give them a Gaussian spatial structure.
reg_grid <- as.matrix(expand.grid(seq(0, 1, len = grid_size), seq(0, 1, len = grid_size)))
Z <- MASS::mvrnorm(1, rep(0, total_points + grid_size * grid_size),
3 * exp(-as.matrix(dist(rbind(random_points, reg_grid))) / 0.2))
Z1 <- Z[1:total_points]; Z2 <- Z[-(1:total_points)]
# Thin the points by comparing the retaining probabilities with uniforms
# in the log scale to find the occurrences
occurrences <- log(runif(total_points)) <= -log1p(exp(-beta[1] - beta[2] * Z1))
n_occurrences <- sum(occurrences)
occurrences_points <- random_points[occurrences,]
occurrences_Z <- Z1[occurrences]
# Find covariate values to explain the observation bias.
# Additionally create a regular grid to plot the covariate later.
W <- MASS::mvrnorm(1, rep(0, n_occurrences + grid_size * grid_size),
2 * exp(-as.matrix(dist(rbind(occurrences_points, reg_grid))) / 0.3))
W1 <- W[1:n_occurrences]; W2 <- W[-(1:n_occurrences)]
S <- MASS::mvrnorm(1, rep(0, n_occurrences),
2 * exp(-as.matrix(dist(occurrences_points)) / 0.3))
# Find the presence-only observations.
marks <- exp(mu + S + rnorm(n_occurrences, 0, 0.3))
po_sightings <- log(runif(n_occurrences)) <= -log1p(exp(-delta[1] - delta[2] * W1 - gamma * S))
n_po <- sum(po_sightings)
po_points <- occurrences_points[po_sightings, ]
po_Z <- occurrences_Z[po_sightings]
po_W <- W1[po_sightings]
po_marks <- marks[po_sightings]
jointPrior <- prior(
NormalPrior(rep(0, 2), 10 * diag(2)), # Beta
NormalPrior(rep(0, 3), 10 * diag(3)), # Delta
GammaPrior(0.00001, 0.00001), # LambdaStar
NormalPrior(0, 100), GammaPrior(0.001, 0.001) # Marks
model <- pompp_model(po = cbind(po_Z, po_W, po_points, po_marks),
intensitySelection = 1, observabilitySelection = 2, marksSelection = 5,
coordinates = 3:4,
intensityLink = "logit", observabilityLink = "logit",
initial_values = 2, joint_prior = jointPrior)
bkg <- cbind(Z2, W2, reg_grid) # Create background
# Be prepared to wait a long time for this
fit <- fit_pompp(model, bkg, neighborhoodSize = 20, area = 1,
mcmc_setup = list(burnin = 1000, iter = 2000), cores = 1)
# Rhat upper CI values are above 1.1. More iterations are needed...