POMDP {pomdp}R Documentation

Define a POMDP Problem


Defines all the elements of a POMDP problem including the discount rate, the set of states, the set of actions, the set of observations, the transition probabilities, the observation probabilities, and rewards.


  discount = 0.9,
  horizon = Inf,
  terminal_values = NULL,
  start = "uniform",
  info = NULL,
  name = NA

is_solved_POMDP(x, stop = FALSE, message = "")


epoch_to_episode(x, epoch)

is_converged_POMDP(x, stop = FALSE, message = "")

O_(action = NA, end.state = NA, observation = NA, probability)

T_(action = NA, start.state = NA, end.state = NA, probability)

R_(action = NA, start.state = NA, end.state = NA, observation = NA, value)



a character vector specifying the names of the states. Note that state names have to start with a letter.


a character vector specifying the names of the available actions. Note that action names have to start with a letter.


a character vector specifying the names of the observations. Note that observation names have to start with a letter.


Specifies action-dependent transition probabilities between states. See Details section.


Specifies the probability that an action/state combination produces an observation. See Details section.


Specifies the rewards structure dependent on action, states and observations. See Details section.


numeric; discount factor between 0 and 1.


numeric; Number of epochs. Inf specifies an infinite horizon.


a vector with the terminal values for each state or a matrix specifying the terminal rewards via a terminal value function (e.g., the alpha component produced by solve_POMDP()). A single 0 specifies that all terminal values are zero.


Specifies the initial belief state of the agent. A vector with the probability for each state is supplied. Also the string 'uniform' (default) can be used. The belief is used to calculate the total expected cumulative reward. It is also used by some solvers. See Details section for more information.


A list with additional information.


a string to identify the POMDP problem.




logical; stop with an error.


a error message to be displayed displayed


integer; an epoch that should be converted to the corresponding episode in a time-dependent POMDP.

action, start.state, end.state, observation, probability, value

Values used in the helper functions O_(), R_(), and T_() to create an entry for observation_prob, reward, or transition_prob above, respectively. The default value '*"' matches any action/state/observation.


In the following we use the following notation. The POMDP is a 7-duple:

(S,A,T,R,Ω,O,γ)(S,A,T,R, \Omega ,O, \gamma).

SS is the set of states; AA is the set of actions; TT are the conditional transition probabilities between states; RR is the reward function; Ω\Omega is the set of observations; OO are the conditional observation probabilities; and γ\gamma is the discount factor. We will use lower case letters to represent a member of a set, e.g., ss is a specific state. To refer to the size of a set we will use cardinality, e.g., the number of actions is A|A|.

Note that the observation model is in the literature often also denoted by the letter ZZ.

Names used for mathematical symbols in code

State names, actions and observations can be specified as strings or index numbers (e.g., start.state can be specified as the index of the state in states). For the specification as data.frames below, NA can be used to mean any start.state, end.state, action or observation. Note that some POMDP solvers and the POMDP file format use '*' for this purpose.

The specification below map to the format used by pomdp-solve (see http://www.pomdp.org).

Specification of transition probabilities: T(ss,a)T(s' | s, a)

Transition probability to transition to state ss' from given state ss and action aa. The transition probabilities can be specified in the following ways:

Specification of observation probabilities: O(oa,s)O(o | a, s')

The POMDP specifies the probability for each observation oo given an action aa and that the system transitioned to the end state ss'. These probabilities can be specified in the following ways:

Specification of the reward function: R(a,s,s,o)R(a, s, s', o)

The reward function can be specified in the following ways:

To avoid overflow problems with rewards, reward values should stay well within the range of ⁠[-1e10, +1e10]⁠. -Inf can be used as the reward for unavailable actions and will be translated into a large negative reward for solvers that only support finite reward values.

Start Belief

The initial belief state of the agent is a distribution over the states. It is used to calculate the total expected cumulative reward printed with the solved model. The function reward() can be used to calculate rewards for any belief.

Some methods use this belief to decide which belief states to explore (e.g., the finite grid method).

Options to specify the start belief state are:

The default initial belief is a uniform distribution over all states.


A infinite-horizon POMDP needs to converge to provide a valid value function and policy.

A finite-horizon POMDP may also converging to a infinite horizon solution if the horizon is long enough.

Time-dependent POMDPs

Time dependence of transition probabilities, observation probabilities and reward structure can be modeled by considering a set of episodes representing epoch with the same settings. The length of each episode is specified as a vector for horizon, where the length is the number of episodes and each value is the length of the episode in epochs. Transition probabilities, observation probabilities and/or reward structure can contain a list with the values for each episode. The helper function epoch_to_episode() converts an epoch to the episode it belongs to.


The function returns an object of class POMDP which is list of the model specification. solve_POMDP() reads the object and adds a list element named 'solution'.


Hossein Kamalzadeh, Michael Hahsler


pomdp-solve website: http://www.pomdp.org

See Also

Other POMDP: MDP2POMDP, accessors, actions(), add_policy(), plot_belief_space(), projection(), reachable_and_absorbing, regret(), sample_belief_space(), simulate_POMDP(), solve_POMDP(), solve_SARSOP(), transition_graph(), update_belief(), value_function(), write_POMDP()

Other POMDP_examples: POMDP_example_files, RussianTiger, Tiger


## Defining the Tiger Problem (it is also available via data(Tiger), see ? Tiger)

Tiger <- POMDP(
  name = "Tiger Problem",
  discount = 0.75,
  states = c("tiger-left" , "tiger-right"),
  actions = c("listen", "open-left", "open-right"),
  observations = c("tiger-left", "tiger-right"),
  start = "uniform",

  transition_prob = list(
    "listen" =     "identity",
    "open-left" =  "uniform",
    "open-right" = "uniform"

  observation_prob = list(
    "listen" = rbind(c(0.85, 0.15),
                     c(0.15, 0.85)),
    "open-left" =  "uniform",
    "open-right" = "uniform"

  # the reward helper expects: action, start.state, end.state, observation, value
  # missing arguments default to NA which matches any value (often denoted as * in POMDPs).
  reward = rbind(
    R_("listen",                    v =   -1),
    R_("open-left",  "tiger-left",  v = -100),
    R_("open-left",  "tiger-right", v =   10),
    R_("open-right", "tiger-left",  v =   10),
    R_("open-right", "tiger-right", v = -100)


### Defining the Tiger problem using functions

trans_f <- function(action, start.state, end.state) {
  if(action == 'listen')
    if(end.state == start.state) return(1)
    else return(0)

  return(1/2) ### all other actions have a uniform distribution

obs_f <- function(action, end.state, observation) {
  if(action == 'listen')
    if(end.state == observation) return(0.85)
  else return(0.15)


rew_f <- function(action, start.state, end.state, observation) {
  if(action == 'listen') return(-1)
  if(action == 'open-left' && start.state == 'tiger-left') return(-100)
  if(action == 'open-left' && start.state == 'tiger-right') return(10)
  if(action == 'open-right' && start.state == 'tiger-left') return(10)
  if(action == 'open-right' && start.state == 'tiger-right') return(-100)
  stop('Not possible')

Tiger_func <- POMDP(
  name = "Tiger Problem",
  discount = 0.75,
  states = c("tiger-left" , "tiger-right"),
  actions = c("listen", "open-left", "open-right"),
  observations = c("tiger-left", "tiger-right"),
  start = "uniform",
  transition_prob = trans_f,
  observation_prob = obs_f,
  reward = rew_f


# Defining a Time-dependent version of the Tiger Problem called Scared Tiger

# The tiger reacts normally for 3 epochs (goes randomly two one
# of the two doors when a door was opened). After 3 epochs he gets
# scared and when a door is opened then he always goes to the other door.

# specify the horizon for each of the two different episodes
Tiger_time_dependent <- Tiger
Tiger_time_dependent$name <- "Scared Tiger Problem"
Tiger_time_dependent$horizon <- c(normal_tiger = 3, scared_tiger = 3)
Tiger_time_dependent$transition_prob <- list(
  normal_tiger = list(
    "listen" = "identity",
    "open-left" = "uniform",
    "open-right" = "uniform"),
  scared_tiger = list(
    "listen" = "identity",
    "open-left" = rbind(c(0, 1), c(0, 1)),
    "open-right" = rbind(c(1, 0), c(1, 0))

[Package pomdp version 1.2.3 Index]