Calculate Several Polypharmacy Indicators

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Documentation for package ‘polypharmacy’ version 1.0.0

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polypharmacy-package Calculate several polypharmacy indicators
cst_deliv_duration Constant delivery duration drugs
data_process Create the table of the drug treatments
drug_bkdn Translate combination drug deliveries into several single active ingredients
indicators Provide several polypharmacy indicators at once
ind_simult Assess polypharmacy based on the daily simultaneous consumption of medications
ind_stdcontinuous Assess polypharmacy based on the number of medications that is consumed both during the initial and the final period of the study period
ind_stdcumul Assess polypharmacy based on the average number of distinct medications consumed over successive periods of time of equal length
ind_ucontinuous Assess polypharmacy based on the uninterrupted consumption of distinct medications over the study period
ind_wcumul Assess polypharmacy based on the number of distinct medications consumed weighted to their respective duration of consumption
polypharmacy Calculate several polypharmacy indicators
sample_Rx_processed Table: Processed _unprocessed table_
sample_Rx_unprocessed Table: Prescription drugs deliveries