AddGenotypePosteriorProb {polyRAD}R Documentation

Estimate Posterior Probabilities of Genotypes


Given a "RADdata" object containing genotype prior probabilities and genotype likelihoods, this function estimates genotype posterior probabilities and adds them to the $posteriorProb slot of the object.


AddGenotypePosteriorProb(object, ...)



A "RADdata" object. Prior genotype probabilities and genotype likelihood should have already been added.


Potential future arguments (none currently in use).


A "RADdata" object identical to that passed to the function, but with a two-dimensional list added to the $posteriorProb slot. Rows of the list correspont to object$possiblePloidies, and columns to unique values in object$taxaPloidy, similarly to object$priorProb. Each item of the list is a three dimensional array, with allele copy number in the first dimension, taxa in the second dimension, and alleles in the third dimension. For each allele and taxa, posterior probabilities will sum to one across all potential allele copy numbers.


Lindsay V. Clark

See Also

AddGenotypeLikelihood, AddGenotypePriorProb_Mapping2Parents


# load dataset and set some parameters
exampleRAD_mapping <- SetDonorParent(exampleRAD_mapping, "parent1")
exampleRAD_mapping <- SetRecurrentParent(exampleRAD_mapping, "parent2")
exampleRAD_mapping <- AddAlleleFreqMapping(exampleRAD_mapping,
                                           expectedFreqs = c(0.25, 0.75),
                                           allowedDeviation = 0.08)
exampleRAD_mapping <- AddGenotypeLikelihood(exampleRAD_mapping)
exampleRAD_mapping <- AddGenotypePriorProb_Mapping2Parents(exampleRAD_mapping,
                                                      n.gen.backcrossing = 1)
# estimate posterior probabilities
exampleRAD_mapping <- AddGenotypePosteriorProb(exampleRAD_mapping)
# examine the results

[Package polyRAD version 2.0.0 Index]