Genotype Calling with Uncertainty from Sequencing Data in Polyploids and Diploids

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Documentation for package ‘polyRAD’ version 2.0.0

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-- A --

AddAlleleFreqByTaxa Estimate Local Allele Frequencies for Each Taxon Based on Population Structure
AddAlleleFreqByTaxa.RADdata Estimate Local Allele Frequencies for Each Taxon Based on Population Structure
AddAlleleFreqHWE Estimate Allele Frequencies in a RADdata Object Assuming Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
AddAlleleFreqHWE.RADdata Estimate Allele Frequencies in a RADdata Object Assuming Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
AddAlleleFreqMapping Estimate Allele Frequencies in a Mapping Population
AddAlleleFreqMapping.RADdata Estimate Allele Frequencies in a Mapping Population
AddAlleleLinkages Identify and Utilize Linked Alleles for Estimating Genotype Priors
AddAlleleLinkages.RADdata Identify and Utilize Linked Alleles for Estimating Genotype Priors
AddDepthSamplingPermutations Estimate Genotype Likelihoods in a RADdata object
AddGenotypeLikelihood Estimate Genotype Likelihoods in a RADdata object
AddGenotypeLikelihood.RADdata Estimate Genotype Likelihoods in a RADdata object
AddGenotypePosteriorProb Estimate Posterior Probabilities of Genotypes
AddGenotypePriorProb_ByTaxa Estimate Prior Genotype Probabilities on a Per-Taxon Basis
AddGenotypePriorProb_ByTaxa.RADdata Estimate Prior Genotype Probabilities on a Per-Taxon Basis
AddGenotypePriorProb_Even Add Uniform Priors to a RADdata Object
AddGenotypePriorProb_HWE Estimate Genotype Prior Probabilities In the Absence of Population Structure
AddGenotypePriorProb_HWE.RADdata Estimate Genotype Prior Probabilities In the Absence of Population Structure
AddGenotypePriorProb_LD Identify and Utilize Linked Alleles for Estimating Genotype Priors
AddGenotypePriorProb_LD.RADdata Identify and Utilize Linked Alleles for Estimating Genotype Priors
AddGenotypePriorProb_Mapping2Parents Expected Genotype Frequencies in Mapping Populations
AddGenotypePriorProb_Mapping2Parents.RADdata Expected Genotype Frequencies in Mapping Populations
AddPCA Perform Principal Components Analysis on "RADdata" Object
AddPCA.RADdata Perform Principal Components Analysis on "RADdata" Object
AddPloidyChiSq Chi-Square Test on Genotype Likelihood Distributions
AddPloidyChiSq.RADdata Chi-Square Test on Genotype Likelihood Distributions
AddPloidyLikelihood Likelihoods for Possible Ploidies Based on Genotype Distributions
AddPloidyLikelihood.RADdata Likelihoods for Possible Ploidies Based on Genotype Distributions

-- C --

CanDoGetWeightedMeanGeno Check Whether 'GetWeightedMeanGenotypes' Can Be Run

-- E --

EstimateContaminationRate Estimate Sample Contamination Using Blanks
EstimateContaminationRate.RADdata Estimate Sample Contamination Using Blanks
EstimateParentalGenotypes Expected Genotype Frequencies in Mapping Populations
EstimateParentalGenotypes.RADdata Expected Genotype Frequencies in Mapping Populations
ExamineGenotype Plots to Examine Genotype Calling at a Single Taxon and Allele
ExamineGenotype.RADdata Plots to Examine Genotype Calling at a Single Taxon and Allele
exampleRAD Miniature Datasets for Testing polyRAD Functions
exampleRAD_mapping Miniature Datasets for Testing polyRAD Functions
ExpectedHindHe Simulate Data to Get Expected Distribution of Hind/He
ExpectedHindHeMapping Simulate Data to Get Expected Distribution of Hind/He
ExportGAPIT Export RADdata Object for Use by Other R Packages
Export_adegenet_genind Export RADdata Object for Use by Other R Packages
Export_GWASpoly Export RADdata Object for Use by Other R Packages
Export_MAPpoly Export RADdata Object for Use by Other R Packages
Export_polymapR Export RADdata Object for Use by Other R Packages
Export_polymapR_probs Export RADdata Object for Use by Other R Packages
Export_rrBLUP_Amat Export RADdata Object for Use by Other R Packages
Export_rrBLUP_GWAS Export RADdata Object for Use by Other R Packages
Export_Structure Export RADdata Object for Use by Other R Packages
Export_TASSEL_Numeric Export RADdata Object for Use by Other R Packages

-- G --

GetAlleleNames Accessor Functions for RADdata Objects
GetBlankTaxa Functions to Assign Taxa to Specific Roles
GetContamRate Accessor Functions for RADdata Objects
GetDonorParent Functions to Assign Taxa to Specific Roles
GetLikelyGen Output the Most Likely Genotype
GetLocDepth Accessor Functions for RADdata Objects
GetLoci Accessor Functions for RADdata Objects
GetProbableGenotypes Export Numeric Genotype Values from Posterior Probabilities
GetProbableGenotypes.RADdata Export Numeric Genotype Values from Posterior Probabilities
GetRecurrentParent Functions to Assign Taxa to Specific Roles
GetTaxa Accessor Functions for RADdata Objects
GetTaxaByPloidy Accessor Functions for RADdata Objects
GetTaxaByPloidy.RADdata Accessor Functions for RADdata Objects
GetTaxaPloidy Accessor Functions for RADdata Objects
GetWeightedMeanGenotypes Export Numeric Genotype Values from Posterior Probabilities
GetWeightedMeanGenotypes.RADdata Export Numeric Genotype Values from Posterior Probabilities

-- H --

HindHe Identify Non-Mendelian Loci and Taxa that Deviate from Ploidy Expectations
HindHe.RADdata Identify Non-Mendelian Loci and Taxa that Deviate from Ploidy Expectations
HindHeMapping Identify Non-Mendelian Loci and Taxa that Deviate from Ploidy Expectations
HindHeMapping.RADdata Identify Non-Mendelian Loci and Taxa that Deviate from Ploidy Expectations

-- I --

InbreedingFromHindHe Estimate Inbreeding from Hind/He for a Given Ploidy
IterateHWE Iteratively Estimate Population Parameters and Genotypes In a Diversity Panel
IterateHWE_LD Iteratively Estimate Population Parameters and Genotypes In a Diversity Panel
IteratePopStruct Iteratively Estimate Population Parameters and Genotypes In a Diversity Panel
IteratePopStructLD Iteratively Estimate Population Parameters and Genotypes In a Diversity Panel

-- L --

LocusInfo Get Information about a Single Locus
LocusInfo.RADdata Get Information about a Single Locus

-- M --

MakeTasselVcfFilter Filter Lines of a VCF File By Call Rate and Allele Frequency
MergeIdenticalHaplotypes Merge Alleles with Identical DNA Sequences
MergeRareHaplotypes Consolidate Reads from Rare Alleles
MergeRareHaplotypes.RADdata Consolidate Reads from Rare Alleles
MergeTaxaDepth Combine Read Depths from Multiple Taxa into One Taxon
MergeTaxaDepth.RADdata Combine Read Depths from Multiple Taxa into One Taxon
Msi01genes Miniature Datasets for Testing polyRAD Functions

-- N --

nAlleles Accessor Functions for RADdata Objects
nLoci Accessor Functions for RADdata Objects
nTaxa Accessor Functions for RADdata Objects

-- O --

OneAllelePerMarker Return the Index of One Allele for Each Locus
OneAllelePerMarker.RADdata Return the Index of One Allele for Each Locus

-- P --

PipelineMapping2Parents Run polyRAD Pipeline on a Mapping Population
plot.RADdata RADdata object constructor

-- R --

RADdata RADdata object constructor
RADdata2VCF Export RADdata Genotypes to VCF
readDArTag Import Data from DArT Sequencing
readHMC Import read depth from UNEAK
readProcessIsoloci Import Read Depth from Output of
readProcessSamMulti Import Preliminary Data to Determine Parameters for Isolocus Sorting
readStacks Import Read Depth from Stacks
readTagDigger Import Read Counts from TagDigger
readTASSELGBSv2 Import Read Depth and Alignment from TASSEL GBS v2
RemoveHighDepthLoci Create RADdata Objects with a Subset of Loci
RemoveHighDepthLoci.RADdata Create RADdata Objects with a Subset of Loci
RemoveMonomorphicLoci Create RADdata Objects with a Subset of Loci
RemoveMonomorphicLoci.RADdata Create RADdata Objects with a Subset of Loci
RemoveUngenotypedLoci Create RADdata Objects with a Subset of Loci
RemoveUngenotypedLoci.RADdata Create RADdata Objects with a Subset of Loci
reverseComplement Reverse Complement of DNA Sequence Stored as Character String
reverseComplement-method Reverse Complement of DNA Sequence Stored as Character String

-- S --

SetBlankTaxa Functions to Assign Taxa to Specific Roles
SetContamRate Accessor Functions for RADdata Objects
SetDonorParent Functions to Assign Taxa to Specific Roles
SetRecurrentParent Functions to Assign Taxa to Specific Roles
SetTaxaPloidy Accessor Functions for RADdata Objects
SimAlleleDepth Simulate Data to Get Expected Distribution of Hind/He
SimGenotypes Simulate Data to Get Expected Distribution of Hind/He
SimGenotypesMapping Simulate Data to Get Expected Distribution of Hind/He
SplitByChromosome Create RADdata Objects with a Subset of Loci
SplitByChromosome.RADdata Create RADdata Objects with a Subset of Loci
StripDown Remove Unneeded Slots to Conserve Memory
StripDown.RADdata Remove Unneeded Slots to Conserve Memory
SubsetByLocus Create RADdata Objects with a Subset of Loci
SubsetByLocus.RADdata Create RADdata Objects with a Subset of Loci
SubsetByPloidy Create a RADdata object with a Subset of Possible Ploidies
SubsetByPloidy.RADdata Create a RADdata object with a Subset of Possible Ploidies
SubsetByTaxon Create RADdata Object with a Subset of Taxa
SubsetByTaxon.RADdata Create RADdata Object with a Subset of Taxa

-- T --

TestOverdispersion Test the Fit of Read Depth to Beta-Binomial Distribution
TestOverdispersion.RADdata Test the Fit of Read Depth to Beta-Binomial Distribution

-- V --

VCF2RADdata Create a RADdata Object from a VCF File