poismf_unsafe {poismf} | R Documentation |
Poisson factorization with no input casting
This is a faster version of poismf which will not make any checks or castings on its inputs. It is intended as a fast alternative when a model is to be fit multiple times with different hyperparameters, and for allowing custom-initialized factor matrices. Note that since it doesn't make any checks or conversions, passing the wrong kinds of inputs or passing inputs with mismatching dimensions will crash the R process.
For most use cases, it's recommended to use the function 'poismf' instead.
poismf_unsafe(A, B, Xcsr, Xcsc, k, ...)
A |
Initial values for the user-factor matrix of dimensions [dimA, k], assuming row-major order. Can be passed as a vector of dimension [dimA*k], or as a matrix of dimension [k, dimA]. Note that R matrices use column-major order, so if you want to pass an R matrix as initial values, you'll need to transpose it, hence the shape [k, dimA]. Recommended to initialize '~ Uniform(0.3, 0.31)'. Will be modified in-place. |
B |
Initial values for the item-factor matrix of dimensions [dimB, k]. See documentation about 'A' for more details. |
Xcsr |
The 'X' matrix in CSR format. Should be an object of class 'Matrix::dgRMatrix'. |
Xcsc |
The 'X' matrix in CSC format. Should be an object of class 'Matrix::dgCMatrix'. |
k |
The number of latent factors. Must match with the dimension of 'A' and 'B'. |
... |
Other hyperparameters that can be passed to 'poismf'. See the documentation for poismf for details about possible hyperparameters. |
A 'poismf' model object. See the documentation for poismf for details.
See Also
### create a random sparse data frame in COO format
nrow <- 10^2 ## <- users
ncol <- 10^3 ## <- items
nnz <- 10^4 ## <- events (agg)
X <- data.frame(
row_ix = sample(nrow, size=nnz, replace=TRUE),
col_ix = sample(ncol, size=nnz, replace=TRUE),
count = rpois(nnz, 1) + 1
X <- X[!duplicated(X[, c("row_ix", "col_ix")]), ]
### convert to required format
Xcsr <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(
i=X$row_ix, j=X$col_ix, x=X$count,
Xcsc <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(
i=X$row_ix, j=X$col_ix, x=X$count,
### initialize factor matrices
k <- 5L
A <- rgamma(nrow*k, 1, 1)
B <- rgamma(ncol*k, 1, 1)
### call function
model <- poismf_unsafe(A, B, Xcsr, Xcsc, k, nthreads=1)