utils_objects {pliman}R Documentation

Utilities for working with image objects



  id = NULL,
  index = "NB",
  watershed = TRUE,
  invert = FALSE,
  filter = FALSE,
  fill_hull = FALSE,
  threshold = "Otsu",
  edge = 2,
  extension = NULL,
  tolerance = NULL,
  object_size = "medium",
  parallel = FALSE,
  workers = NULL,
  plot = TRUE

  pattern = NULL,
  dir_original = NULL,
  center = FALSE,
  index = "NB",
  invert = FALSE,
  filter = FALSE,
  fill_hull = FALSE,
  threshold = "Otsu",
  watershed = TRUE,
  extension = NULL,
  tolerance = NULL,
  object_size = "medium",
  parallel = FALSE,
  workers = NULL,
  plot = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE

object_isolate(img, id = NULL, parallel = FALSE, workers = NULL, ...)

object_id(img, parallel = FALSE, workers = NULL, ...)



An image of class Image or a list of Image objects.

  • For object_coord(), a vector (or scalar) of object id to compute the bounding rectangle. Object ids can be obtained with object_id(). Set id = "all" to compute the coordinates for all objects in the image. If id = NULL (default) a bounding rectangle is drawn including all the objects.

  • For object_isolate(), a scalar that identifies the object to be extracted.


The index to produce a binary image used to compute bounding rectangle coordinates. See image_binary() for more details.


If TRUE (default) performs watershed-based object detection. This will detect objects even when they are touching one other. If FALSE, all pixels for each connected set of foreground pixels are set to a unique object. This is faster but is not able to segment touching objects.


Inverts the binary image, if desired. Defaults to FALSE.


Performs median filtering in the binary image? See more at image_filter(). Defaults to FALSE. Use a positive integer to define the size of the median filtering. Larger values are effective at removing noise, but adversely affect edges.


Fill holes in the objects? Defaults to FALSE.


By default (threshold = "Otsu"), a threshold value based on Otsu's method is used to reduce the grayscale image to a binary image. If a numeric value is informed, this value will be used as a threshold. Inform any non-numeric value different than "Otsu" to iteratively chosen the threshold based on a raster plot showing pixel intensity of the index.


The number of pixels in the edge of the bounding rectangle. Defaults to 2.

extension, tolerance, object_size

Controls the watershed segmentation of objects in the image. See analyze_objects() for more details.


Processes the images asynchronously (in parallel) in separate R sessions running in the background on the same machine. It may speed up the processing time when image is a list. The number of sections is set up to 50% of available cores.


A positive numeric scalar or a function specifying the maximum number of parallel processes that can be active at the same time.


Shows the image with bounding rectangles? Defaults to TRUE.


A pattern of file name used to identify images to be imported. For example, if pattern = "im" all images in the current working directory that the name matches the pattern (e.g., img1.-, image1.-, im2.-) will be imported as a list. Providing any number as pattern (e.g., pattern = "1") will select images that are named as 1.-, 2.-, and so on. An error will be returned if the pattern matches any file that is not supported (e.g., img1.pdf).


The directory containing the original images. Defaults to NULL, which means that the current working directory will be considered.


If TRUE returns the object contours centered on the origin.


If TRUE (default) a summary is shown in the console.




img <- image_pliman("la_leaves.jpg")
# Get the object's (leaves) identification

# Get the coordinates and draw a bounding rectangle around leaves 1 and 3
object_coord(img, id = c(1, 3))

# Isolate leaf 3
isolated <- object_isolate(img, id = 3)

[Package pliman version 2.1.0 Index]