Tools for Plant Image Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘pliman’ version 2.1.0

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A C D E F G I L M N O P R S U W misc

-- A --

analyze_objects Analyzes objects in an image
analyze_objects_iter Analyzes objects in an image
analyze_objects_shp Analyzes objects using shapefiles
apply_fun_to_imgs Apply a function to images
as_image Create an 'Image' object

-- C --

calibrate Calibrates distances of landmarks
cm_to_dpi Utilities for image resolution
cm_to_pixels Utilities for image resolution
column_to_rownames Utilities for handling with rows and columns
contours Contour outlines from five leaves
conv_hull Utilities for Polygons
conv_hull_unified Utilities for Polygons
custom_palette Generate Custom Color Palette

-- D --

distance Utilities for image resolution
dist_transform Distance map transform
dpi Utilities for image resolution
dpi_to_cm Utilities for image resolution
draw_circle Utilities for drawing coordinates of known shapes
draw_n_tagon Utilities for drawing coordinates of known shapes
draw_rectangle Utilities for drawing coordinates of known shapes
draw_square Utilities for drawing coordinates of known shapes
draw_trian_equi Utilities for drawing coordinates of known shapes
draw_trian_rect Utilities for drawing coordinates of known shapes

-- E --

efourier Elliptical Fourier Analysis
efourier_coefs Get Fourier coefficients
efourier_error Erros between the original and reconstructed outline
efourier_inv Inverse Elliptical Fourier Analysis
efourier_norm Normalized Fourier coefficients
efourier_power Power in Fourier Analysis
efourier_shape Draw shapes based on Fourier coefficients
ellipse Confidence ellipse

-- F --

file_dir Utilities for file manipulation
file_extension Utilities for file manipulation
file_name Utilities for file manipulation

-- G --

get_biplot Utilities for Principal Component Axis analysis
get_measures Utilities for object measures
get_pliman_viewer Get the value of the pliman_viewer option
get_wd_here Set and get the Working Directory quicky
ggplot_color ggplot2-like colors generation

-- I --

image_align Aligns an 'Image' object by hand
image_augment Augment Images
image_autocrop Spatial transformations
image_binary Creates a binary image
image_blur Spatial transformations
image_closing Spatial transformations
image_combine Combines images to a grid
image_contrast Spatial transformations
image_create Create an 'Image' object of a given color
image_crop Spatial transformations
image_dilate Spatial transformations
image_dimension Spatial transformations
image_erode Spatial transformations
image_expand Expands an image
image_export Import and export images
image_filter Spatial transformations
image_horizontal Spatial transformations
image_hreflect Spatial transformations
image_import Import and export images
image_index Image indexes
image_opening Spatial transformations
image_palette Create image palettes
image_pliman Import and export images
image_prepare Prepare an image
image_resize Spatial transformations
image_rotate Spatial transformations
image_segment Image segmentation
image_segment_iter Image segmentation
image_segment_kmeans Image segmentation using k-means clustering
image_segment_manual Image segmentation by hand
image_segment_mask Segment an 'Image' object using a brush mask
image_shp Construct a shape file from an image
image_skeleton Spatial transformations
image_square Squares an image
image_thinning Spatial transformations
image_thinning_guo_hall Perform Guo-Hall thinning on a binary image or list of binary images
image_to_mat Convert an image to a data.frame
image_trim Spatial transformations
image_vertical Spatial transformations
image_view Create an interactive map view of an image
image_vreflect Spatial transformations

-- L --

landmarks Create image landmarks
landmarks_add Artificially inflates the number of landmarks
landmarks_angle Angles between landmarks
landmarks_dist Distances between landmarks
landmarks_regradi Pseudolandmarks with equally spaced angles
leading_zeros Add leading zeros to a numeric sequence

-- M --

make_brush Makes a brush
make_mask Makes a mask in an image
manipulate_files Utilities for file manipulation
max_list These functions applies common statistics to a list of objects, returning a numeric vector.
mean_list These functions applies common statistics to a list of objects, returning a numeric vector.
measure_disease Performs plant disease measurements
measure_disease_byl Performs plant disease measurements by leaf
measure_disease_iter Performs plant disease measurements
measure_disease_shp Measure disease using shapefiles
min_list These functions applies common statistics to a list of objects, returning a numeric vector.
mosaic_crop Crop a mosaic
mosaic_export Create and Export mosaics
mosaic_index Mosaic Index
mosaic_input Create and Export mosaics
mosaic_prepare Prepare a mosaic
mosaic_to_pliman Mosaic to pliman
mosaic_to_rgb Mosaic to RGB
mosaic_view Mosaic View

-- N --

npixels Utilities for image resolution

-- O --

object_contour Utilities for working with image objects
object_coord Utilities for working with image objects
object_edge Object edges
object_export Export multiple objects from an image to multiple images
object_export_shp Export multiple objects from an image to multiple images
object_id Utilities for working with image objects
object_isolate Utilities for working with image objects
object_label Labels objects
object_map Map Object Distances
object_mark Mark Object Points
object_rgb Extract red, green and blue values from objects
object_split Splits objects from an image into multiple images
object_split_shp Splits image objects based on a shape file
object_to_color Apply color to image objects
open_wd Set and get the Working Directory quicky
open_wd_here Set and get the Working Directory quicky
otsu Calculate Otsu's threshold

-- P --

palettes Create image palettes
pca Utilities for Principal Component Axis analysis
pick_coords Utilities for picking up points in an image
pick_count Utilities for picking up points in an image
pick_palette Utilities for picking up points in an image
pick_rgb Utilities for picking up points in an image
pipe Forward-pipe operator
pixels_to_cm Utilities for image resolution
pixel_index Get the pixel indices for a given row of a binary image
pliman_images Sample images
pliman_indexes Utilities for file manipulation
pliman_indexes_eq Utilities for file manipulation
pliman_viewer Global option for controlling the viewer in pliman package
plot.anal_obj Analyzes objects in an image
plot.image_index Image indexes
plot.image_shp S3 method 'plot' for 'image_shp' objects
plot.pca Utilities for Principal Component Axis analysis
plot_contour Utilities for plotting polygons
plot_ellipse Utilities for plotting polygons
plot_index Plot an image index
plot_index_shp Plot rectangles colored by a quantitative attribute and overlay on an RGB image
plot_lw Plot length and width lines on objects
plot_mass Utilities for plotting polygons
plot_measures Utilities for object measures
plot_polygon Utilities for plotting polygons
poly_align Utilities for Polygons
poly_angles Utilities for Polygons
poly_apex_base_angle Calculate the apex and base angles of an object
poly_area Utilities for Polygons
poly_caliper Utilities for Polygons
poly_centdist Utilities for Polygons
poly_center Utilities for Polygons
poly_check Utilities for Polygons
poly_circularity Utilities for Polygons
poly_circularity_haralick Utilities for Polygons
poly_circularity_norm Utilities for Polygons
poly_close Utilities for Polygons
poly_convexity Utilities for Polygons
poly_distpts Utilities for Polygons
poly_eccentricity Utilities for Polygons
poly_elongation Utilities for Polygons
poly_flip_x Utilities for Polygons
poly_flip_y Utilities for Polygons
poly_is_closed Utilities for Polygons
poly_jitter Utilities for Polygons
poly_limits Utilities for Polygons
poly_lw Utilities for Polygons
poly_mass Utilities for Polygons
poly_measures Utilities for Polygons
poly_pcv Compute Perimeter Complexity Value (PCV)
poly_perimeter Utilities for Polygons
poly_rotate Utilities for Polygons
poly_sample Utilities for Polygons
poly_sample_prop Utilities for Polygons
poly_slide Utilities for Polygons
poly_smooth Utilities for Polygons
poly_solidity Utilities for Polygons
poly_spline Utilities for Polygons
poly_unclose Utilities for Polygons
poly_width_at Width at a given height
prepare_to_shp Prepare images to analyze_objects_shp()

-- R --

random_color Random built-in color names
remove_rownames Utilities for handling with rows and columns
rgb_to_hsb Convert between colour spaces
rgb_to_lab Convert between colour spaces
rgb_to_srgb Convert between colour spaces
round_cols Utilities for handling with rows and columns
rownames_to_column Utilities for handling with rows and columns

-- S --

sad Produces Santandard Area Diagrams
sd_list These functions applies common statistics to a list of objects, returning a numeric vector.
separate_col Turns a single character column into multiple columns.
set_pliman_viewer Set the value of the pliman_viewer option
set_wd_here Set and get the Working Directory quicky
summary_index Summary an object index

-- U --

utils_colorspace Convert between colour spaces
utils_dpi Utilities for image resolution
utils_file Utilities for file manipulation
utils_image Import and export images
utils_measures Utilities for object measures
utils_objects Utilities for working with image objects
utils_pca Utilities for Principal Component Axis analysis
utils_pick Utilities for picking up points in an image
utils_polygon Utilities for Polygons
utils_polygon_plot Utilities for plotting polygons
utils_rows_cols Utilities for handling with rows and columns
utils_shapes Utilities for drawing coordinates of known shapes
utils_stats These functions applies common statistics to a list of objects, returning a numeric vector.
utils_transform Spatial transformations
utils_wd Set and get the Working Directory quicky

-- W --

watershed2 Alternative watershed algorithm

-- misc --

%>% Forward-pipe operator