build_site {pkgdown}R Documentation

Build a complete pkgdown website


build_site() is a convenient wrapper around six functions:

See the documentation for the each function to learn how to control that aspect of the site. This page documents options that affect the whole site.


  pkg = ".",
  examples = TRUE,
  run_dont_run = FALSE,
  seed = 1014L,
  lazy = FALSE,
  override = list(),
  preview = NA,
  devel = FALSE,
  new_process = !devel,
  install = !devel



Path to package.


Run examples?


Run examples that are surrounded in \dontrun?


Seed used to initialize random number generation in order to make article output reproducible. An integer scalar or NULL for no seed.


If TRUE, will only rebuild articles and reference pages if the source is newer than the destination.


An optional named list used to temporarily override values in ⁠_pkgdown.yml⁠


If TRUE, or && interactive(), will preview freshly generated section in browser.


Use development or deployment process?

If TRUE, uses lighter-weight process suitable for rapid iteration; it will run examples and vignettes in the current process, and will load code with pkgload::load_all().

If FALSE, will first install the package to a temporary library, and will run all examples and vignettes in a new process.

build_site() defaults to devel = FALSE so that you get high fidelity outputs when you building the complete site; build_reference(), build_home() and friends default to devel = TRUE so that you can rapidly iterate during development.


If TRUE, will run build_site() in a separate process. This enhances reproducibility by ensuring nothing that you have loaded in the current process affects the build process.


If TRUE, will install the package in a temporary library so it is available for vignettes.

General config

Navbar and footer

The navbar and footer fields control the appearance of the navbar footer which appear on every page. Learn more about these fields in vignette("customise").

Development mode

The development field allows you to generate different sites for the development and released versions of your package. To use it, you first need to set the development mode:

  mode: auto

Setting development mode

The development mode of a site controls where the built site is placed and how it is styled (i.e. the colour of the package version in the navbar, the version tooltip), and whether or not the site is indexed by search engines. There are four possible modes:

Use mode: auto if you want both a released and a dev site, and mode: release if you just want a single site. It is very rare that you will need either devel or unreleased modes.

You can override the mode specified in the ⁠_pkgdown.yml⁠ by setting by setting PKGDOWN_DEV_MODE to devel or release.

Selective HTML

You can selectively show HTML only on the devel or release site by adding class pkgdown-devel or pkgdown-release. This is most easily accessed from .Rmd files where you can use pandoc's ⁠<div>⁠ syntax to control where a block of markdown will display. For example, you can use the following markdown in your README to only show GitHub install instructions on the development version of your site:

::: {.pkgdown-devel}
You can install the development version of pkgdown from GitHub with:

You can use a similar technique to control where badges are displayed. This markdown show the CRAN status badge on the site for the released package and the GitHub check status for the development package:

[![CRAN Status](]

Other options

There are three other options that you can control:

  destination: dev
  version_label: danger
  version_tooltip: "Custom message here"

destination allows you to override the default subdirectory used for the development site; it defaults to ⁠dev/⁠. version_label allows you to override the style used for development (and unreleased) versions of the package. It defaults to "danger", but you can set to "default", "info", or "warning" instead. (The precise colours are determined by your bootstrap theme, but become progressively more eye catching as you go from default to danger). Finally, you can choose to override the default tooltip with version_tooltip.


The template field is mostly used to control the appearance of the site. See vignette("customise") for details. But it's also used to control

Other aspects

There are a few other template fields that control other aspects of the site:


To capture usage of your site with a web analytics tool, you can make use of the includes field to add the special HTML they need. This HTML is typically placed in_header (actually in the ⁠<head>⁠), before_body, or after_body. You can learn more about how includes work in pkgdown at

I include a few examples of popular analytics platforms below, but we recommend getting the HTML directly from the tool:

Source repository

Use the repo field to override pkgdown's automatically discovery of your source repository. This is used in the navbar, on the homepage, in articles and reference topics, and in the changelog (to link to issue numbers and user names). pkgdown can automatically figure out the necessary URLs if you link to a GitHub or GitLab repo in your BugReports or URL field.

Otherwise, you can supply your own in the repo field:


The varying components (e.g. path, issue number, user name) are pasted on the end of these URLs so they should have trailing /s.

When creating the link to pacge source, we have to link to a specific branch. The default behaviour is to use current branch when in GitHub actions and HEAD otherwise. You can overide this default with repo.branch:

  branch: devel

pkgdown can automatically link to Jira issues as well if specify both a custom issue URL as well Jira project names to auto-link in jira_projects. You can specify as many projects as you would like:

  jira_projects: [this_project, another_project]

Deployment (deploy)

There is a single deploy field


Users with limited internet connectivity can disable CRAN checks by setting options(pkgdown.internet = FALSE). This will also disable some features from pkgdown that requires an internet connectivity. However, if it is used to build docs for a package that requires internet connectivity in examples or vignettes, this connection is required as this option won't apply on them.

Users can set a timeout for build_site(new_process = TRUE) with options(pkgdown.timeout = Inf), which is useful to prevent stalled builds from hanging in cron jobs.


## Not run: 

build_site(override = list(destination = tempdir()))

## End(Not run)

[Package pkgdown version 2.1.0 Index]