as_pkgdown | Generate pkgdown data structure |
build_article | Build articles section |
build_articles | Build articles section |
build_articles_index | Build articles section |
build_favicons | Initialise favicons from package logo |
build_home | Build home section |
build_home_index | Build home section |
build_news | Build news section |
build_redirects | Build redirects |
build_reference | Build reference section |
build_reference_index | Build reference section |
build_search | Build search index |
build_site | Build a complete pkgdown website |
build_site_github_pages | Build site for GitHub pages |
build_tutorials | Build tutorials section |
check_pkgdown | Check _pkgdown.yml |
clean_site | Clean site |
data_template | Render page with template |
deploy_to_branch | Build and deploy a site locally |
init_site | Initialise site infrastructure |
in_pkgdown | Determine if code is executed by pkgdown |
pkgdown_sitrep | Check _pkgdown.yml |
preview_site | Open site in browser |
rd2html | Translate an Rd string to its HTML output |
render_page | Render page with template |
template_articles | Generate YAML templates |
template_navbar | Generate YAML templates |
template_reference | Generate YAML templates |