Estimate Chla Biomass of Phytoplankton Groups

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Documentation for package ‘phytoclass’ version 1.0.0

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Bounded_weights Add weights to the data, bound at a maximum.
Cluster Cluster things
Fm Fm data
Matrix_checks Remove any column values that average 0. Further to this, also remove phytoplankton groups from the F matrix if their diagnostic pigment isn’t present.
min_max min_max data
NNLS_MF Performs the non-negative matrix factorisation for given phytoplankton pigments and pigment ratios, to attain an estimate of phytoplankton class abundances.
simulated_annealing Perform simulated annealing algorithm for S and F matrices
Sm Sm data
Steepest_Desc Stand-alone version of steepest descent algorithm