Estimate Chla Concentrations of Phytoplankton Groups

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Documentation for package ‘phytoclass’ version 1.2.0

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Bounded_weights Add weights to the data, bound at a maximum.
Cluster Cluster things
Fm Fm data
Fp Fp data
Matrix_checks Remove any column values that average 0. Further to this, also remove phytoplankton groups from the F matrix if their diagnostic pigment isn’t present.
min_max min_max data
NNLS_MF Performs the non-negative matrix factorisation for given phytoplankton pigments and pigment ratios, to attain an estimate of phytoplankton class abundances.
simulated_annealing This is the main phytoclass algorithm. It performs simulated annealing algorithm for S and F matrices. See the examples (Fm, Sm) for how to set up matrices, and the vignette for more detailed instructions. Different pigments and phytoplankton groups may be used.
Sm Sm data
Sp Sp data
Steepest_Desc Stand-alone version of steepest descent algorithm. This is similar to the CHEMTAX steepest descent algorithm. It is not required to use this function, and as results are not bound by minimum and maximum, results may be unrealistic.