Model Based Phylogenetic Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘phyr’ version 1.1.0

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align_comm_V Create phylogenetic var-cov matrix based on phylogeny and community data
boot_ci Generic method to output bootstrap confidence intervals from an object.
boot_ci.cor_phylo Correlations among multiple variates with phylogenetic signal
communityPGLMM Phylogenetic Generalized Linear Mixed Model for Community Data
communityPGLMM.matrix.structure 'pglmm_matrix_structure' produces the entire covariance matrix structure (V) when you specify random effects. Visualize random terms of communityPGLMMs
communityPGLMM.predicted.values Predicted values of PGLMM
communityPGLMM.profile.LRT 'pglmm_profile_LRT' tests statistical significance of the phylogenetic random effect of binomial models on species slopes using a likelihood ratio test. Visualize random terms of communityPGLMMs
comm_a Example community data
comm_b Example community data
cor_phylo Correlations among multiple variates with phylogenetic signal
envi Example environmental data
family.communityPGLMM Family Objects for communityPGLMM objects
fitted.communityPGLMM Fitted values for communityPGLMM
fixed.effects Extract fixed-effects estimates
fixef Extract fixed-effects estimates
fixef.communityPGLMM Extract fixed-effects estimates
get_design_matrix 'get_design_matrix' gets design matrix for gaussian, binomial, and poisson models
match_comm_tree Match phylogeny with community data
model.frame.communityPGLMM Extracting the Model Frame from a communityPGLMM Model object
nobs.communityPGLMM Number of Observation in a communityPGLMM Model
oldfield Phylogeny and community data from an Oldfield ecosystem in Southern Ontario, Canada
pcd pairwise site phylogenetic community dissimilarity (PCD) within a community
pcd_pred Predicted PCD with species pool
pglmm Phylogenetic Generalized Linear Mixed Model for Community Data
pglmm_compare Phylogenetic Generalized Linear Mixed Model for Comparative Data
pglmm_matrix_structure 'pglmm_matrix_structure' produces the entire covariance matrix structure (V) when you specify random effects.
pglmm_plot_ranef Visualize random terms of communityPGLMMs
pglmm_plot_re Visualize random terms of communityPGLMMs
pglmm_predicted_values Predicted values of PGLMM
pglmm_profile_LRT 'pglmm_profile_LRT' tests statistical significance of the phylogenetic random effect of binomial models on species slopes using a likelihood ratio test.
phylotree Example phylogeny
plot_bayes plot_bayes generic
plot_bayes.communityPGLMM Plot the original dataset and predicted values (optional)
plot_data Plot the original dataset and predicted values (optional)
predict.communityPGLMM Predict Function for communityPGLMM Model Objects
prep_dat_pglmm Prepare data for 'pglmm'
print.communityPGLMM Print summary information of fitted model
print.cor_phylo Correlations among multiple variates with phylogenetic signal
print.cp_refits Refit bootstrap replicates that failed to converge in a call to 'cor_phylo'
print.pglmm_compare Print summary information of fitted model
psc Phylogenetic Species Diversity Metrics
psd Phylogenetic Species Diversity Metrics
pse Phylogenetic Species Diversity Metrics
psr Phylogenetic Species Diversity Metrics
psv Phylogenetic Species Diversity Metrics
psv.spp Phylogenetic Species Diversity Metrics
random.effects Extract random-effects estimates
ranef Extract random-effects estimates
ranef.communityPGLMM Extract random-effects estimates
refit_boots Refit bootstrap replicates that failed to converge in a call to 'cor_phylo'
residuals.communityPGLMM Residuals of communityPGLMM objects
rm_site_noobs Remove site that has no observations of any species
rm_sp_noobs Remove species that not observed in any site
simulate.communityPGLMM Simulate from a communityPGLMM object
summary.communityPGLMM Summary information of fitted model
summary.pglmm_compare Summary information of fitted pglmm_compare model
traits Example species traits data
vcv2 Create phylogenetic var-cov matrix