phylolm-package |
Phylogenetic Linear Regression |
AIC.logLik.phyloglm |
Methods for class 'phyloglm'. |
AIC.logLik.phylolm |
Methods for class 'phylolm'. |
AIC.phyloglm |
Methods for class 'phyloglm'. |
AIC.phylolm |
Methods for class 'phylolm'. |
extractAIC.phylolm |
Methods for class 'phylolm'. |
flowerSize |
Flower size of 25 Euphorbiaceae species |
flowerTree |
Phylogenetic tree of 25 Euphorbiaceae species |
guidetree |
Binary population tree within Arabidopsis thaliana |
logLik.phyloglm |
Methods for class 'phyloglm'. |
logLik.phylolm |
Methods for class 'phylolm'. |
nobs.phylolm |
Methods for class 'phylolm'. |
OU1d.loglik |
Log likelihood of an one-dimensional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model |
OUshifts |
Detections of shifts in the OU process along a phylogeny. |
phyloglm |
Phylogenetic Generalized Linear Model |
phyloglmstep |
Stepwise model selection for Phylogenetic Generalized Linear Model |
phylolm |
Phylogenetic Linear Model |
phylostep |
Stepwise model selection for Phylogenetic Linear Model |
plot.OUshifts |
Methods for class 'OUshifts'. |
plot.phyloglm |
Methods for class 'phyloglm'. |
plot.phylolm |
Methods for class 'phylolm'. |
predict.phylolm |
Methods for class 'phylolm'. |
print.logLik.phyloglm |
Methods for class 'phyloglm'. |
print.logLik.phylolm |
Methods for class 'phylolm'. |
print.phyloglm |
Methods for class 'phyloglm'. |
print.phylolm |
Methods for class 'phylolm'. |
print.summary.phyloglm |
Methods for class 'phyloglm'. |
print.summary.phylolm |
Methods for class 'phylolm'. |
pruningwise.branching.times |
Calculates internal node ages in an ultrametric "pruningwise" tree |
pruningwise.distFromRoot |
Calculates node distance from the root in an "pruningwise" tree |
quartetCF |
Quartet concordance factors across Arabidopsis thaliana |
rbinTrait |
Binary trait simulation |
residuals.phyloglm |
Methods for class 'phyloglm'. |
residuals.phylolm |
Methods for class 'phylolm'. |
rTrait |
Continuous trait simulation |
stepwise.test.tree |
Fits a population tree to data from quartet concordance factors |
summary.phyloglm |
Methods for class 'phyloglm'. |
summary.phylolm |
Methods for class 'phylolm'. | |
Tests the fit of a population tree to quartet concordance factor data |
test.tree.preparation |
data structure preparation for testing a population tree |
three.point.compute |
Computations with a (generalized) three-point structured tree |
transf.branch.lengths |
Creates a tree with branch lengths to represent the 3-point structure of a covariance matrix |
vcov.phyloglm |
Methods for class 'phyloglm'. |
vcov.phylolm |
Methods for class 'phylolm'. |