plot_tree {phylepic}R Documentation

Plot phylogenetic tree panel


The tree is drawn using ggraph with its dendrogram layout. When customising it, you may wish to add layers such as ggraph::geom_node_point(). The metadata table is joined onto the tree, so all its column names are available for use in the various ggraph geoms.


plot_tree(phylepic, label = .data$name, bootstrap = TRUE)



object of class "phylepic".


variable in metadata table corresponding to the tip labels (tidy-eval).


when TRUE, draw bootstrap vaues on the tree. These are only drawn if they are detected from the node labels having the form "a/b" where both "a" and "b" are numbers. Currently, the bootstrap values are displayed as a percentage, suppressing zero values and values for very short branches. To customise the appearance or details instead use bootstrap = FALSE and add your own layer with ggraph::geom_edge_elbow.


If phylepic is specified returns a ggplot, otherwise a function that when passed a "phylepic" object produces a ggplot for use with plot.phylepic().

See Also

Other phylepic plots: plot.phylepic(), plot_bars(), plot_calendar(), plot_epicurve()

[Package phylepic version 0.2.0 Index]