Phylogenetic Reconstruction and Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘phangorn’ version 2.11.1

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A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S T U W Y misc

-- A --

acctran Parsimony tree.
acgt2ry Conversion among Sequence Formats Add tips to a tree
addConfidences Compare splits and add support values to an object
addConfidences.phylo Compare splits and add support values to an object
addTrivialSplits Splits representation of graphs and trees.
add_boxplot Draw Confidences Intervals on Phylogenies
add_ci Draw Confidences Intervals on Phylogenies
add_edge_length Assign and compute edge lengths from a sample of trees
AICc ModelTest
allCircularSplits Splits representation of graphs and trees.
allCompat Maximum clade credibility tree
allSitePattern Generic functions for class phyDat
allSplits Splits representation of graphs and trees.
allTrees Compute all trees topologies. Ancestral character reconstruction.
ancestral.pml Ancestral character reconstruction.
as.AAbin.phyDat Conversion among Sequence Formats
as.bitsplits.splits Splits representation of graphs and trees.
as.character.phyDat Conversion among Sequence Formats Conversion among Sequence Formats
as.DNAbin.phyDat Conversion among Sequence Formats
as.Matrix Splits representation of graphs and trees.
as.Matrix.splits Splits representation of graphs and trees.
as.matrix.splits Splits representation of graphs and trees.
as.MultipleAlignment Conversion among Sequence Formats
as.MultipleAlignment.phyDat Conversion among Sequence Formats
as.networx Conversion among phylogenetic network objects
as.networx.phylo Conversion among phylogenetic network objects
as.networx.splits Conversion among phylogenetic network objects
as.phyDat Conversion among Sequence Formats
as.phyDat.alignment Conversion among Sequence Formats
as.phyDat.character Conversion among Sequence Formats Conversion among Sequence Formats
as.phyDat.DNAbin Conversion among Sequence Formats
as.phyDat.factor Conversion among Sequence Formats
as.phyDat.matrix Conversion among Sequence Formats
as.phyDat.MultipleAlignment Conversion among Sequence Formats
as.phylo.splits Splits representation of graphs and trees.
as.pml Likelihood of a tree.
as.prop.part.splits Splits representation of graphs and trees.
as.splits Splits representation of graphs and trees.
as.splits.bitsplits Splits representation of graphs and trees.
as.splits.multiPhylo Splits representation of graphs and trees.
as.splits.networx Splits representation of graphs and trees.
as.splits.phylo Splits representation of graphs and trees.

-- B --

bab Branch and bound for finding all most parsimonious trees
baseFreq Summaries of alignments
bootstrap.phyDat Bootstrap
bootstrap.pml Bootstrap
BranchAndBound Branch and bound for finding all most parsimonious trees

-- C --

c.phyDat Generic functions for class phyDat
c.splits Splits representation of graphs and trees.
cbind.phyDat Generic functions for class phyDat
chloroplast Chloroplast alignment
CI Consistency Index and Retention Index
cladePar Utility function to plot.phylo
coalSpeciesTree Species Tree
codon2dna Translate nucleic acid sequences into codons
codonTest codonTest
compatible Splits representation of graphs and trees.
consensusNet Computes a consensusNetwork from a list of trees Computes a 'networx' object from a collection of splits.
cophenetic.networx Pairwise Distances from a Phylogenetic Network
cophenetic.splits Pairwise Distances from a Phylogenetic Network
createLabel Compare splits and add support values to an object

-- D --

delta.score Computes the delta score
densiTree Plots a densiTree.
designSplits Compute a design matrix or non-negative LS
designTree Compute a design matrix or non-negative LS
dfactorial Arithmetic Operators
discrete.beta Discrete Gamma and Beta distribution
discrete.gamma Discrete Gamma and Beta distribution
dist.hamming Pairwise Distances from Sequences
dist.logDet Pairwise Distances from Sequences Pairwise Distances from Sequences
dist.p Pairwise Polymorphism P-Distances from DNA Sequences
distanceHadamard Distance Hadamard
distinct.splits Splits representation of graphs and trees.
diversity Clans, slices and clips
dna2codon Translate nucleic acid sequences into codons

-- E --

edQt Internal maximum likelihood functions.

-- F --

fhm Hadamard Matrices and Fast Hadamard Multiplication
fitch Parsimony tree.

-- G --

genlight2phyDat Conversion among Sequence Formats
getClans Clans, slices and clips
getClips Clans, slices and clips
getDiversity Clans, slices and clips
getRoot Tree manipulation
getSlices Clans, slices and clips
glance.phyDat Summaries of alignments

-- H --

h2st Hadamard Matrices and Fast Hadamard Multiplication
h4st Hadamard Matrices and Fast Hadamard Multiplication
hadamard Hadamard Matrices and Fast Hadamard Multiplication

-- I --

identify.networx Identify splits in a network
image.phyDat Plot of a Sequence Alignment

-- K --

KF.dist Distances between trees

-- L --

Laurasiatherian Laurasiatherian data (AWCMEE)
ldfactorial Arithmetic Operators
lento Lento plot
lli Internal maximum likelihood functions.

-- M --

mast Maximum agreement subtree
matchSplits Splits representation of graphs and trees.
maxCladeCred Maximum clade credibility tree
mcc Maximum clade credibility tree
midpoint Tree manipulation
midpoint.multiPhylo Tree manipulation
midpoint.phylo Tree manipulation
mites Morphological characters of Mites (Schäffer et al. 2010)
modelTest ModelTest
multiphyDat2pmlPart Partition model.

-- N --

neighborNet Computes a neighborNet from a distance matrix
networx Conversion among phylogenetic network objects
NJ Neighbor-Joining
nni Tree rearrangements.
nnls.networx Compute a design matrix or non-negative LS
nnls.phylo Compute a design matrix or non-negative LS
nnls.splits Compute a design matrix or non-negative LS
nnls.tree Compute a design matrix or non-negative LS

-- O --

optim.parsimony Parsimony tree.
optim.pml Likelihood of a tree.

-- P --

pace Ancestral character reconstruction.
parsimony Parsimony tree.
path.dist Distances between trees
phyDat Conversion among Sequence Formats
phyDat2alignment Conversion among Sequence Formats
phyDat2MultipleAlignment Conversion among Sequence Formats
plot.networx plot phylogenetic networks
plotAnc Ancestral character reconstruction.
plotBS Plotting trees with bootstrap values
plotRates Discrete Gamma and Beta distribution
plot_gamma_plus_inv Discrete Gamma and Beta distribution
pml Likelihood of a tree.
pml.control Auxiliary for Controlling Fitting Internal maximum likelihood functions. Internal maximum likelihood functions.
pml.init Internal maximum likelihood functions.
pmlCluster Stochastic Partitioning
pmlMix Phylogenetic mixture model
pmlPart Partition model.
pmlPart2multiPhylo Partition model.
pml_bb Likelihood of a tree.
pratchet Parsimony tree.
presenceAbsence Compare splits and add support values to an object
print.phyDat Generic functions for class phyDat
print.splits Splits representation of graphs and trees.
pruneTree Tree manipulation

-- R --

random.addition Parsimony tree.
ratchet.control Auxiliary for Controlling Fitting
read.aa Read Amino Acid Sequences in a File Writing and reading distances in phylip and nexus format Function to import and export splits and networks Function to import and export splits and networks
read.phyDat Import and export sequence alignments
readDist Writing and reading distances in phylip and nexus format
removeAmbiguousSites Generic functions for class phyDat
removeTrivialSplits Splits representation of graphs and trees.
removeUndeterminedSites Generic functions for class phyDat
RF.dist Distances between trees
RI Consistency Index and Retention Index
rNNI Tree rearrangements.
rSPR Tree rearrangements.

-- S --

sankoff Parsimony tree.
SH.test Shimodaira-Hasegawa Test
simSeq Simulate sequences.
simSeq.phylo Simulate sequences.
simSeq.pml Simulate sequences.
SOWH.test Swofford-Olsen-Waddell-Hillis Test
splits Splits representation of graphs and trees.
splitsNetwork Phylogenetic Network
SPR.dist Distances between trees
sprdist Distances between trees
subset.phyDat Generic functions for class phyDat
summary.clanistics Clans, slices and clips
superTree Super Tree methods

-- T --

transferBootstrap Transfer Bootstrap
treedist Distances between trees

-- U --

unique.dist Writing and reading distances in phylip and nexus format
unique.phyDat Generic functions for class phyDat
unique.splits Splits representation of graphs and trees.
UNJ Neighbor-Joining
upgma UPGMA and WPGMA

-- W --

wpgma UPGMA and WPGMA
wRF.dist Distances between trees Writing and reading distances in phylip and nexus format Function to import and export splits and networks Function to import and export splits and networks
write.phyDat Import and export sequence alignments
write.splits Function to import and export splits and networks
writeDist Writing and reading distances in phylip and nexus format

-- Y --

yeast Yeast alignment (Rokas et al.)

-- misc --

[.phyDat Generic functions for class phyDat