Parametric Bootstrap for ANOVA Models

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Documentation for package ‘pbANOVA’ version 0.1.0

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alg.A1 PB test for main effect of one-way ANOVA
alg.ABC test three factor interaction
alg.BC test two factor interaction
alg.C for three-way ANOVA that has no significant interaction terms to test main effects
alg.C.AB tests factor C when only AB interaction is present.
barleyh20 barleyh20 data
dunnett.PB PB multiple comparisons of the levels of factor A aginst the control group
fedata fedata data
potato potato data
Q.ABmc multiple comparisons of the levels of AB interactions
Q.Amc PB multiple comparisons of the levels of factor A (output like TukeyHSD)
Q.Amc_oneway PB multiple comparisons of factor A in one-way ANOVA